Everyone in the world knows the importance of July 4th. You might know the year (though you probably do) but everyone is aware of the day America stuck her middle finger up to the scariest dudes around, told them to fuck off, and then walked the walk she’d just talked. And she might just be blessed by The Almighty.
I’m not one to believe in mythical days and the meaning of the importance of numbers and all that. I know the Bible used 7 and 40 a lot but that doesn’t mean I think those numbers are magic.
That said… This is one of my favorite things of Americans have done and such:
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are titans of history, they hold claim as the 2nd and 3rd President of the United States, respectively. Two men as responsible as anyone in leading 13 colonies to freedom. They were the intellectual case for liberty, leading men of America in an effort that would inspire damn near every revolution that followed. They were friends and rivals. They challenged one another to be better. When each man died, he thought the other had outlived him. This happened on July 4, 1826, the day Jefferson and Adams both died.
These two fuckers died 50 years to the date they founded a fucking country. Those are some crazy ass odds and I think proof that … GOD LOVES AMERICA!!!