You have to be a man of impeccable taste appreciate movie like super troopers. Do you have to be a man of great means to contribute to their last funding campaign to get super troopers two off the ground. But you just need to be a man. You enjoy super troopers three. Not gonna sit here and tell you that we have all the answers to what is coming, but we do have one or two contacts in Hollywood where you are in regular communication with and I’m going to hit them up for whatever I can find out about super troopers three.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Watch Super Troopers 3?

Will There Be a Super Troopers 3
What kind of person wouldn’t go see this movie? Surely you would have to be a very girly man if you were to ignore something so great. You’re probably be ashamed of yourself and I wouldn’t be surprised if you write in HE double hockey sticks.
Super Troopers 3 RUMORS
One idea heard thrown around and we will see if they go anywhere with this was that third film will see all of them as the final frontier of being a trooper: they would be patrolling the border between America and Mexico. It would give them a different dynamic and allow them to have fresh type of humor because they would no longer be solely dependent on Canadians for the funny go to guys. Plus they can make a lot of great racist jokes about Mexicans. Could it be?
Possible Super Troopers 3 Names
- Super Troopers 3 … that’s it really
Who’s directing Super Troopers 3?
They’re just going to have the Indian guy directed again. Which makes all the sense in the world. I don’t want to pretend like I’m gonna be able to spell his full name though so let’s just let that go by the wayside. But he’s a great director and very very funny.
The Super Troopers 3 Writers
I also know that he and the other guys broken lizard wrote super troopers three. That makes a lot of sense. I can’t wait to see with the guys have in store for us besides the aforementioned Mexican border dispute.
Super Troopers 3 Pictures
Super Troopers 3 Trailer
Super Troopers 3 Release Date
I heard they might release it only on Netflix. I think that’s the smart play.
Super Troopers 3 Cast
All of broken lizard.
Should you see Super Troopers 3?
Right meow.
Super Troopers 3 Box Office Predictions
It will be a mystery but I hope they all get filthy rich.
Final Thoughts on Super Troopers 3
I once said that if there was a God then we will get super troopers two. Now that I know that there’s a god if there is a baby Jesus we will get super troopers three.
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