Fool Britannia: Looking at the Weird British Sports That Health and Safety forgot.
A look at some of the weirdest British sports of all time. From shin kicking to basically running into a...
A look at some of the weirdest British sports of all time. From shin kicking to basically running into a...
..."but at the end of the day he's Chuck f*cking Norris so he can do what ever he wants."
Plus: way too much rape is tolerated.
Reading this is better than shooting your eye out.
Khan you dig it?
It's ladies night, this weekend in ... Kansas City. Oh.
Remembering the Preacher Comic Book: one of the medium's greatest entries and one which still holds up, even today. Pardner.
Not from MMA but from the entire world and history of man. And film.
How British TV scared children for years all in the name of ... Safety? Health? Who knows. The UK is...
A German boat, an American hero, and sexy fun times!