Your weekly religious cartoon
Our weekly religious cartoon takes something popular and awesome (Calvin and Hobbes, etc...) and uses it to illustrate the absurdity...
Our weekly religious cartoon takes something popular and awesome (Calvin and Hobbes, etc...) and uses it to illustrate the absurdity...
The site does a mini fantastic four review where we mock this abortion of a film and pray for its...
If you'd prefer a milder clip, just ask.
UFC Fight Night 73 Results found right here - which should be readily apparent. CLICK THE LINK to read PBP...
An American Red is a regular column from an American Liverpool FC fan providing Liverpool FC analysis from across the...
We give a Birdman Review minute by minute whilst watching the film for the first time ever. No idea what's...
UFC Fight Night 73 Weigh In Results. CLICK THE LINK to see grown men get uncomfortably naked. Oh, and Fox...
Ovince Saint Preux - OSP - is the next guy the UFC is betting on, having seen Honda Housey and...
We broke the story on the UFC PED scandal and continue discussing it during our podcast. CLICK THE LINK...
Fantastic Four movie review before it has come out and before we have seen it: spoiler is that it sucks.