Baywatch 2 Poll: Would you see a Baywatch sequel?

Upcoming Dwayne The Rock Johnson Movies:
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- Black Adam Solo Film
- Jumanji 3
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- San Andreas 2
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Baywatch 2
Baywatch 2, which will likely have some crazy sequel subheading name, is of course a movie sequel to the 2017 comedy starring The Rock and the weeny dude from High School Musical. Oh, and Alexandra Daddario, Kelly Rohrbach and Priyanka Chopra. Male bimbos and female bimbos. It looks awesome. The sequel will no doubt have some sort of contest and the Rock will do so much testosterone that he’ll look like one big muscle. More than he already does, at least.
Baywatch 2 Director
While the first Baywatch wasn’t a smash hit, there’s a chance of a sequel, and most likely they’ll bring back Seth Gordon to direct. He has a decent amount of directing experience, both on the big screen with movies like Horrible Bosses and Four Christmases, but also on the small screen, having directed a number of episodes of The Goldbergs, The Jim Gaffigan Show and more. He’s a solid enough choice, and seems to know his stuff.
Baywatch 2 Writers
The Baywatch sequel will likely have a bit of a switchup when it comes to writers. There were 7 credited with the first film, though a few of those were the original show’s creators, but that said, even the new film had 4 people credited with the story and 2 with writing the screenplay. And the 2 screenwriters didn’t come up with the story. So more likely than not, Baywatch 2 will have a new set of writers.
Baywatch 2 Posters & Pictures
Baywatch 2 Trailer
No trailer exists yet for the film, but here’s the trailer for the first Baywatch. Imagine this but with more explosions and more shirtless Rock:
Baywatch 2 Release Date
The release date for Baywatch 2 hasn’t be revealed yet, but this shouldn’t take too long to make. I would say about 2 years after the first, so summer 2019. And odds are it’ll come out in the summer since there’s all the bikinis and sexiness.
Baywatch 2 Cast & Stars
Again, there haven’t been any confirmations for the sequel, but most likely Priyanka Chopra won’t return for Baywatch 2 (spoiler alert: she gets blown up in the first one). No doubt the core team will return, but I’m guessing they’ll expand to include a few more hotties. At least I certainly hope so.
- Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – He’s the rock. He played Hasselhoff’s role in the first and was a solid addition to the cast.
- Zac Efron – Honestly, Efron was perfectly cast as the pretty boy former Olympic swimmer, but I didn’t find him all that funny. He’d be my pick to get recast or killed off in the second.
- Alexandra Daddario – Boobs. I mean, I want to give you a strong, smart assessment of her acting ability and tell you how she’s pretty funny, but boobs.
- Priyanka Chopra – Not likely to return, but she is delicious.
- Kelly Rohrbach – I really liked Rohrbach as the Pamela Anderson of the film. She is obviously gorgeous, but she also did a good job of being super chipper and happy. Girls who look like her probably should be happy at all times, what with their natural advantages, but Rohrbach was definitely one of the better parts of Baywatch.
- David Hasselhoff – He hassles ya. He hoffs. He rocks more than the Rock. That shouldn’t be possible, but that’s only if you aren’t the guy who was in both Baywatch and Knightrider.
Best Actor/Actress in Baywatch 2
I’m gonna go with Kelly Rohrbach. The Rock is the obvious and correct choice, but her sweet booty really revved my engine.
Worst Actor/Actress in Baywatch 2
Efron. Every preview I write until the end of time that includes Efron will focus on Efron sucking.
Potential Baywatch 2 Titles
- Baywatch 2: Suns out, Bums Out
- Baywatch by the Sea
- Baywatch Nights
- Baewatch
- Babywatch: Fatherhood
- Bayerwatch: Aspirin Edition
- Baywatch the Second
- Baywatching
- Baywatch 2: The Devil of the Sea
- Baywatch 2: Jaws (this one is just about sharks)
- Baywatch 3: We skipped numero 2
- Baywatch 2: The Old Bay and the Sea
Potential Baywatch 2 Plotlines
Baywatch 2 Plot Option 1:
The sequel opens on the bay. It’s all about the bay. But this time, it’s also about… OIL. A dastardly foe discovers oil is beneath the bay and wants to frack. Well, FRACK THAT. The Baywatch won’t let them ruin the bay just because they want MONEY. Dirty, disgusting money. Ew. But wait! This is going to be a complex political thriller as much as it’s a comedy. For the town is going through really rough times. The bay isn’t bringing the tourists it used to and people are getting desperate. Because of this, the Baywatch gang struggles to know what’s right. If they stop the oil fracking, they’ll save the water and the beach for hot babes to frolick on, but they’ll also likely cause the town to fall into ruin. Dang, that’s DEEP. In the end, they have the hottest lifeguards, meaning The Rock, become strippers, which revitalizes the town (but also leads to the plot for the 3rd Baywatch film, which follows The Rock’s descent into becoming a coke-snorting stripper/hooker. Man, what a trilogy!
Baywatch Sequel Plot Option 2:
Honestly, I would just go with the plot of the first season of Baywatch Nights, only with Knightrider and all condensed down into a 90 minute movie. But there needs to be plenty of Kelly Rohrbach smiling because that girl’s teeth could light up a dark room. Man, that makes it sound like I want to wear her teeth on a necklack. You know what’s weird? When I think of teeth on a necklace, I always think of them being in the same order as in your head. But then you’d need two necklaces. Do people wear bottom teeth in a necklace? Whoa.
Will Baywatch 2 Be Worth Seeing?
Um… do you like jigglies? Whompers? Whoopsie topsies? Jumpy bumps? Then yeah, Baywatch 2 will be freaking awesome.
Baywatch 2 Box Office Forecast
Shockingly, the first Baywatch flick made just shy of $180 million globally on a $69 million dollar budget (that’s gotta be a joke, right?). It was more international than domestic, so likely based on The Rock’s popularity, which is only growing with Jumanji doing big bucks, so there’s a pretty darn good chance that not only will they make a sequel, but it’ll perform decently enough. I’m predicting $150 million.
Will there be a Baywatch 2 Online Release?
No doubt the Baywatch sequel will be on Netflix before long. Maybe not initially, but after a short time for sure.
Final Thoughts on Baywatch 2
Wait, I was supposed to actually THINK today? Oh crap. I was just waxing philosophic about a potential Baywatch sequel. I mean, it will happen (probably) and no doubt I will be proven right in every single thing I’ve said here because America was designed to promote this exact kind of movie (I’m also a history/politics expert, FYI). But all that said, I would actually see it. I mean, come on. It’s the Rock! It’s boobs! It’s butts! And that’s JUST the Rock! There are also girls!