The Marvel Universe
I believe I’m getting older. The excitement I felt for the first Avengers film isn’t there the way it is for the third go-around, which surprises me. This is the culmination of a decade’s worth of movies, and arguably 3 decades worth of fandom for me personally, but I’m … I don’t want to say unexcited but I’m not sure, exactly. Sorry, that’s vague, I know, but I can only be what I am, right?
Maybe it’s because this is only part 1 and so I’m thinking, “OK, I know the beats. Thanos does some bad shit, then heroes all rally together and fight him and are set to defeat him but: something happens, one or two people die, and Thanos wins.
I’m wondering if they’ll have the balls to hold Thanos off until the third act. Like, they could have his Black Order show up and be evil and such, then the Avengers beat them up, then Thanos arrives and is all, “Yo, this is who I am and what I do” before crushing Stark’s skull beneath his heel.
Maybe they’ll have it all end with Thanos finally getting hold of all the infinity stones and then people are all, “Whoa, shit!”
By the way, people who won’t die in the first half of this: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor.
I could see one or two or all of them dying in the second film but I feel like they’re gonna want their heavy hitters around for marketing purposes, ya know? What I’m saying is that Jeremy Renner better start looking for work…
A Brand New Avengers: Infinity War Trailer!
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