Hello idiots. Are you still using government controlled money? Are you still paying 30-60% in income tax? WHY? Don’t be a mark.
It’s 2016, the UK just left the EU, the pound is getting, well, pounded, and cryptocurrency is the way of the future. Get on board early and you’ll thank me. I know it’s not technically early, but Bitcoin has a ton of growth potential.
Good riddance
Here’s what you all need to do ASAP to buy Bitcoin. Go to coinbase.com and open an account. You don’t have to spend a cent to do this. All you need is an email address, a little patience, and some cash. The main problem with the cryptocurrency market is fear, and it’s kind of a pain in the ass to set up, but it’s getting easier. People have no fucking clue where to begin so they never do, even though they may technically be on board with the idea of it. There are some really good instructional videos out there that will walk you through the process. I’d suggest you start by reading the wiki. This wiki is called Buying Bitcoins (the newbie version). I suggest using Coin Base but there are plenty of digital wallets out there.
Trust me, this is something you want to do. With inflation, the volatility of the market (all markets), banks that love raping their patrons, and the 1% continuously and rapidly stealing more of the world’s wealth, you’re going to want to have the ability to keep your money somewhere that is actually safe. Yes, it’s up to YOU to protect it by not being a retard, but it’s doable. I’ve owned and spent Bitcoin for about 3 years now, and never had a problem. Everyday it gets easier to use. More places accept it, especially online businesses. You can use it for virtually everything now, and in a few more years, it will be everywhere for certain.
Now you may be thinking: Why? My U.S. Dollars work fine… Correct. For now. BUT, go ask the British how well their Pounds work today. Ask the Venezuelans how their currency is doing. Ask the, etc… You get it. Bitcoin doesn’t give a shit where you live. It can’t be inflated, and is actually a DE-FLATIONARY currency. It can never be inflated because there is a finite amount. The number of bitcoins on the planet will top out at 21 million once it’s all been mined. As of 6 February 2016, there were 15.2 million bitcoins in circulation of a capped total of 21 million. That means over 72% of all bitcoins are already in circulation. Currently there are 25 new bitcoins produced (mined) every 10 minutes, but that’s not of interest to us. We aren’t talking about mining. There is a controlled supply of Bitcoin already available for purchase.
Yes, there are other cryptocurrencies but for now, let’s stay on the gold stand, the Bitcoin. To be honest, I wouldn’t mess with any of the others. There will always be imitators but as of this writing, Bitcoin is the safest bet. Yes, it’s volatile, just like any other currency, but the power of the Bitcoin lies in the users, not the banks. Plus, you can always just sell them if you have a panic attack after buying.
Here’s why it’s a safe bet: Banks are not involved. Yes, you have the option of linking a bank account for easy purchase, but that’s the extent. This is a user driven exchange. There is no centralized bank that can crush it whenever it wants, or crash when the housing bubble bursts. There is no one person making the decision. We all do. You don’t have to speak Japanese or Canadian either. It’s universal. Richard Branson bought like 14 million dollars worth, and he’s no dummy.
Bitcoin fucking rocks. I love it. I got mine to buy shit on the dark web. Not kidding. I did this because Bitcoin is also ANONYMOUS! Nobody sees your name, or anything. It’s literally computer money. My phone is physically a wallet for my Bitcoin (so don’t lose your phone or you risk losing your coins) but that’s ok because I have it backed up on my mac and no one can access my account without my password, and 2-step verification. Think of it like an electronic wallet. Say I want to buy your shoes and don’t feel like smashing a beer bottle over your head and taking them. Instead of pulling a green piece of paper out of my Pride Rainbow wallet and handing it to you and you giving me your shoes, I merely ask for your Bitcoin address and send you whatever the amount.

Then it’s gone from my wallet, never to return. I can’t “undo” or steal it back without physically stealing your phone or computer. It’s just a super intelligent coding scheme, and it’s NOT a scam.
Honestly, I shouldn’t be telling you this, because now you have the opportunity to go buy your own, and that makes it harder for me to get more, BUT that drives up the value and the more people that use it, the more universal it becomes, the better for everyone. It’s also endlessly fractal, meaning that if 1 bitcoin ends up being valued at 10,000 dollars a piece, I can still buy your shoes for .0000000000001 bitcoin (or whatever, I didn’t do the fake math). It doesn’t matter. As of this writing, Bitcoin is worth like 600 bucks for 1. It’s been over 1000 for 1 a couple years back.
Why the fuck do we need the government dictating over our money? We don’t. Let the people control the money. I’ve used Bitcoin to pay for cab fare in Indonesia, used it to pay bills online, used it to shop for garbage I don’t need online, and used it to pay off ridiculous bets I lost. I’ve received payouts in Bitcoin from online casinos, been reimbursed for a damaged item I purchased, and received it from a friend who was splitting the UFC PPV with me. Guess what percentage the government took in all of those transactions? Zero. Fuck em. If for no other reason, you should get in to Bitcoin early so you can hide you money from the IRS. They can’t see it, and even if they could, they couldn’t track it to you. So fuck them. I’m not saying you shouldn’t pay your taxes, but if you’re into nefarious transactions, this is the way to go. It’s also the way to go if you’re an honest upstanding citizen, like me. Lol.
You don’t have to buy Bitcoins now, but do go and open an account. You’re going to want to be ahead of the curve when the dollar plummets (which is inevitable if Trump takes office). If you set up a wallet at Coin Base, you don’t have to buy anything, but trust me, you’re going to thank me when everyone starts buying up bitcoins and you’re ahead of the game. The government will fuck this up once it gets involved. At that point, you’re on your own.
We are the house
Love ya bitches!
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Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an veгy long comment
but aftеr I clicked submit mʏ commеnt didn’t appeaг.
Grrrr… well I’m not writing aⅼl thаt oveг again. Ꮢegardless, jսѕt wаnted to
saу fantastic blog!
To reiterate: I’m not suggesting anyone dump their life savings into bitcoin, but if you’ve got 1000 buck laying around, it’s something cool to experiment with, and more so, be ready if the shit hits the fan. And just take Mike mad, THANKS FOR READING! 🙂
PS. Nothing on this site is sound advice.
I don’t like this civility…
You know, just look at the pricing chart for bitcoin; it is all over the place with huge and wild swings. You can literally put a grand of currency into bitcoin and it is worth half of that a week later. It is actually more volatile than regulated currencies from strong nations.
I admit it will likely be on the rise now as fearful people will run to get their money into there. Great. It won’t last long.
The UK Pounds drops in value for a little while due to fear, and panic ensues. BUY BITCOIN!!!
Well, stop asking for government services and infrastructure if you advocate not paying taxes and hiding your money.
And please, actually sit down and figure out if you took losses or not by transferring into BitCion. A lot of people think it is cool and some middle finger to government and they don’t even take a moment to realize that 1000 dollar of currency they dumped into bitcoin only got them 700 dollars worth of stuff because the price dropped since they bought it. I remember the huge craze when it was pushing over 1000 USD for one bitcoin and people lost their shirts when it lost over 50% of it’s value in just a few months. They didn’t even think they lost their shirts because they are “hey, this is cool, fuck government, yay bitcoin”.
it is a fad my friend. If you want to buy stuff illegally and untraceable, have fun with it. It is not something people should be dumping their savings into or pinning their economic futures on.
At the end of the day, if you want to be successful, you do have to work to some degree within the system and the cards we are dealt. National currencies like the Pound or USD rise and fall and bitcoin goes through that as well (and generally more volatile as there is no ability to regulate it).
So, if the advice is “leave a volatile currency for an even more volatile bitcoin”…. well, I am not sure this is sound advice.
Thank you
Thanks for reading!
> I appreciate you writing it. It is a great discussion to have.