My family has a red cabin in a small nowhere area of Minnesota that has been with us for almost 100 years. It holds some of the greatest and most treasured memories I have in my life. And it did the same for my father, all of my uncles, and my cousins. That is not what this movie was about although that would be a great sequel so long as you share the same DNA as I do.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to watch Cabin in the Woods 2?

Will There Be Cabin in the Woods 2?
Of course there will be, at least according to the one agent that we spoke with. Horror movies are always big with having sequels and a third and fourth in the movie franchise. That is basically a prerequisite for being a horror movie. It would be a shame if cabin in the woods did not continue this tradition.
Cabin in the Woods 2 RUMORS
Joss Whedon created all of this and so it is all depending on him. But he is caught up in some of the sex scandal that is gripping Hollywood at the moment and that means he may be desperate to build goodwill with his original nerd fan base and so a sequel to one of their favorite movies would be appropriate. This would allow him to escape the pressure of being in charge of a gigantic movie and that means there wouldn’t be as much attention on him and his sordid past.
Possible Cabin in the Woods 2 Names
- Outhouse in the Woods
- In a Wood Cabin
- In a Cabin With a Woody
Who’s directing Cabin in the Woods 2?
I think it would be funny if the Russo Brothers directed this.
Cabin in the Woods 2 Writers
Again, if the Russo Brothers could be involved in this movie in anyway that would make it even better.
Cabin in the Woods 2 Pictures
WATCH Cabin in the Woods 2 Trailer
Cabin in the Woods 2 Release Date
One of the agents we spoke with said they were hoping March 2021 will be the release date.
Cabin in the Woods 2 Cast
Well they have Thor in it already and he is all you need I guess. Although in truth they will probably just redo the entire cast because none of them are actually important to the success or failure of the movie. It is a franchise that will survive or die only on its merits as art.
Cabin in the Woods 2 Box Office
And now we get to the reason why this movie was made in the first place. Cabin in the woods follows the long tradition of humor movies getting sequels because they are so cheap to make and yet have such great box office returns. You can make a horror movie for $20 million in the next thing you know it has $300 million in pure profit. That is why you see so many of these. No one can explain why there are so many chick flicks though.
Final Thoughts on Cabin in the Woods 2
When this came out there was all this talk by everybody that said you had to go see it. And so I did and it was good. But it was not the world changing great movie that some acted like it was. I think that’s because I knew it was going to be different. If they had just done a regular horror movie I think that would’ve been more challenging and possibly more interesting. But instead they had the clever reveal that made everybody think, oh the director is winking at me. Still, I will see the second cabin in the woods.
Like the Way We Previewed Cabin in the Woods 2? Read On:
Could do without the sexism.