C.M. Punk lives in Chicago. Well, he lives in Milwaukee now, because he’s training full time to be a professional who fights the mixed martial arts fights. But, yeah, Chicago is his home. And since UFC on FOX is in – gasp! – Chicago, CM Punk Q&A just happens to be scheduled – and it just so happens to be streaming live to all of you. What a coincidence! AND AND it comes on right after the weigh-ins. Man, this company has this down. It’s almost like they’re professionals.
I’m actually going to work my sources and see if I can get some one on one with him. Pick his brain. Ask about Batista. Things like that. I’m not that scared if he gets angry, which probably speaks volumes about my thoughts on his MMA prospects. So, yes, there’s going to be a CM Punk Q&A at UFC Fox Chicago immediately after the weigh-ins.
Last time Punk did one of these it was entertaining. Not as entertaining as when Dana decided it would be good to let 3000 Irishmen insult Jose Aldo to his face but entertaining nonetheless.
(And I will NEVER get tired of that gif)
Hi, Punk!