It’s episode 75 of the Comedy Suplex Podcart (@ComedySuplex) with Ring of Honor Ambassador Cary Silkin (@ROHCary). Mikey G (@DirtyRonMcD) and The Viggity (@TheViggity / @PeachMachine) talk to Silkin about the hey-dey of ROH, who will carry the torch in 2019, Times Square becoming pussified, the NYC slime tour he gave to Mikey G, great memories of Madison Square Garden, his role in ROH, and which match he’s most looking forward to at Final Battle. Then he challenges Mike in a round of Triple BBB aka Book-Bury-Belt. An incredible interview, and one you certainly must not miss.
Silkin has been a part of wrestling for a long time, including ROH (@RingofHonor) since its inception. He is an ambassador for not only ROH but for all of wrestling, as it has been his love of the sport, his drive, and his enthusiasm for the product that has kept ROH afloat for 15 years. You’ve seen him at ringside many times, and you’ll see him there on Friday, December 14, at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC for the Final Battle pay-per-view.

Sign up at to become an Honor Club member, which gives you access to the weekly TV shows, past live events, past pay-per-views, and of course ROH’s biggest show of the year, Final Battle.

Check out our sister’s hot friend’s site (@HalfGuarded) for more of our podcarts and articles, including a story on the WWE production of “An Xmas Carol.” Also on, you can buy the Comedy Suplex shirt as well as the “I Broke Peach’s Leg” shirt.
Luvluvluvya biiiiiiiotches,