Constantine Sequel Poll: Sequel or Reboot?

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- Constantine 2
Constantine 2 must come sooner rather than later. It’s been too long since we saw the Brit on the silver screen and that sucks. Yes, John Constantine has appeared in his own now-canceled TV show, and if we’re lucky will become a regular on the CW DC Universe shows (Flash, Green Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow) but he deserves better. Because there are very few characters as awesome as John Constantine.
What is the possible Plot of Constantine 2
For as much grumbling as the first Constantine movie got, it nailed the important aspects of the character: he’s a self-centered piece of shit who tricks and cons his way through life, often at the expense of others. To wit, he essentially forces the fat guy to endure terrible visions so that Constantine can learn what’s going on in the world, only for that same fatty to die. He initially shows zero interest in helping a lost woman, and really only does so because after he sees demons coming after her in public; he shows no compassion to a grieving sister and flat mocks at her times.
He even treats Chas, his irascible sidekick, as an afterthought. Need to get into a club? Sorry, Chas, you’re out of luck as Constantine doesn’t give a fuck about you. Drop a mirror filled with a demon on your car? Shouldn’t have left it there, Chas. Oh, and Chas is dead by the end of the film too because no one leaves Constantine’s sphere unharmed.
Finally, Constantine tricks Lucifer himself into freeing the sister’s soul from hell, “trading” his own. It’s a selfless act, but in committing said selfless act, Constantine is granted redemption by God and is taken to heaven. While Lucifer eventually pulls him back down to earth (so that Constantine can have innumerable chances to fuck things up and re-damn himself), before he does so, Constantine manages to flip the bird to the devil himself. Even when being magnanimous, he still has to say, “Fuck you” to someone.

All of that is good. Very good. That’s the core of the character and it is a far cry different than what the TV show presented. On TV, he was kind of a jerk, but not really. He used actual magic far more than he did lies and cons. Overall, there was simply a cleanliness to the character that just doesn’t work – a Constantine sequel needs to meet the tone of the movie, not the TV show. John Constantine is a piece of shit and needs to be shown as such.
Now, the movie was resisted and resented by some, for a few reasons:
1. He wasn’t British and it was set in LA and not London/England.
I can understand and am sympathetic to this complaint. On the surface, these are minor details. Yes, his Britishness is front and center throughout his comic book life, but he’s not Captain America where it would be impossible for him to be from anywhere else. A self-centered ass of a man who uses magic and cons can easily be American. I have no issue with Constantine 2 casting a Brit in the role, and I’d expect it to be, as there are so many great British actors having incredible success these days.
2. He wasn’t blond.
Again, like #1, not a biggie to me. The overall feel of a character is more important than physical characteristics, as a general rule. Sometimes, the physical is important. Superman can’t be black. Part of his identity is tied to his growing up in an idealized version of America, and the black struggle doesn’t fit with that worldview. Batman could be black because there’s nothing inherently public about his character. Likewise, Captain America simply can’t be black because his origin story is tied to being the face of the Allies during WW2. Iron Man? Easily black. Same with Hulk and Hawkeye. Thor would be iffy, because he’s tied to Norse mythology and they’re all white, but it wouldn’t be an outright sin to cast a black man as Thor.
Constantine, for that reason, could be black, or Mexican, or hell even a woman. A blond from Liverpool isn’t essential.
The character originally reflected the era from which he sprang, but that’s an environment that doesn’t exist in the same ways today. Constantine used to be a punk rocker before he became a magician, who grew up in a town that was economically devastated during the 1980s. He was, in so many ways, an anti-Thatcher character. These are different times and while Scousers may still curse her name, it isn’t the same identification as it was 30 years ago.
As for the plot of Constantine 2, take your pick of any of his 300+ comic book stories. Though, if I may, I present the following as the plot of the Constantine sequel:
Warner Brothers will be keen to somehow tie it in with the DC Movie Universe they’re building in Batman vs Superman, so why not do so. Just not directly. Very easily, you can craft a story where Constantine is saving the world in the shadows, as the titans above battle aliens (and each other). It would take a second or two to simply show Constantine saving Superman from a demon, and it would fit comic book canon as Superman has always been vulnerable to magic. The movie can be viewed completely separately from the bigger stories, but by showing him on the fringes of the world, you still place him in that world. The plot to Constantine 2 can be as easy as all of the violence and mayhem above has given hell an opportunity to pour out onto the streets and Constantine is the only one to stop it.
The first Constantine film was directed by Francis Lawrence. Lawrence also directed I Am Legend (and maybe its sequel, I Am Legend 2) and three of the four Hunger Games. He’d formerly been a music video director, and that shows in the movie. It’s very slick, and the special effects and music are as noticeable as in any movie. Overall, I like what he did. He kept it gritty looking (see the scene in Papa Midnight’s club) and I never felt like it was a nice, cheerful world. His returning to direct Constantine 2 wouldn’t be the worst thing.
But, since I imagine a Constantine sequel will be directed by a Brit (as I expect the plot to be set in England), a top of the line British director is the way to go. As such, some recommended names to direct Constantine 2:
Guy Ritchie.
If there’s anyone that can nail a dirty London atmosphere, it’s Ritchie. From Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels to Snatch, Madonna’s former lover knows that scene. And as a further positive for Ritchie, he’s also helmed big production films like Sherlock Holmes, so he’s someone studios obviously trust with money.
Danny Boyle.
Go watch 28 Days Later and tell me that isn’t exactly how Constantine’s world should look. Boyle is obviously a genius director, but unlike many who have directed prestige pictures, Boyle clearly loves a good genre flick. The aforementioned 28 Days Later and the underrated Sunshine jump out as statements from a guy who also directed Steve Jobs and Slumdog Millionaire: he does what he wants if he thinks it is interesting. If anyone could make a Constantine sequel into an Oscar winning movie, it’s Boyle.
Sam Mendes.
He’s hot off of directing the Bond franchise, but made his name with smaller films. Constantine needs to be smaller in scope, with the personal interactions more important than the explosions. Mendes has handled both in his career. Further, his producing the Showtime series Penny Dreadful indicates a clear interest in off kilter, supernatural topics. Sam Mendes directing Constantine 2 could be really fun.
The Constantine sequel name is …
Constantine 2 is easily enough. Or to spitball… Constantine: Saving Heaven from Hell. Constantine: Dead Man Walking. Constantine: The Devil is in the details. Hellblazer. John Constantine: Hellblazer.
Constantine Sequel Cast (aka: Who Should Play Constantine)
Whether it is a Constantine sequel or a Constantine reboot, the casting is first and foremost of importance. Keanu Reeves did a very good job in the first film, critics be damned. But, I doubt he’s coming back due to the backlash. One of the tricky parts of the character is that he is NOT young. Constantine is supposed to be in his 40s, kind of a loser piece of garbage who never quite grew up and doesn’t have any real friends or connections to the world – because he’s been responsible for everyone he knows dying. While I know Hollywood likes to cast young, going a little older could pay off as it would make Constantine 2 stand out as different. And so…
Jude Law.
Blond. British. Has a good mix of charismatic but also a piece of shit. Biggest downside to him is he simply doesn’t look tough. Constantine has scars, physical and otherwise. He doesn’t really win fights so much as he knows how to take a good ass kicking. I don’t sense that in Law.
Ewan McGregor
Similar to Law in that I sense a lack of toughness. But,the McGregor from Trainspotting is the exact kid that grew up to be Constantine.
Matt Ryan.
He currently plays Constantine on TV. He has a solid look and is naturally British. I think he could possibly be an excellent choice but I’m stuck seeing him from TV where he was just too clean cut. There’s also simply the issue that some guys are made for TV and some for film. He may just be a TV level actor.
Paul Bettany.
He’s probably a no-go, due to his being an Avenger and all. I also think he just doesn’t have the same level of shit eating charisma as others.
Charlie Hunnam.
He played charismatic douchebag very well on Sons of Anarchy. He’s also British, probably to the sad realization of some SOA fans.
Daniel Craig.
His James Bond is very similar to Constantine. He’d be a big, big star, but he also has a perfect mix of being just a little older while maintaining the ability to project “against his better judgment” hero.
But the best choice to play Constantine in the Constantine sequel is…
Travis Fimmel.
Fimmel stars as the lead, Ragnar, on The History Channel’s Vikings. He’s simply outstanding and is an amazing mix of blonde dirt bag, ladies man, leading man, and guy who is smarter than everyone and uses his brains more than his brawn at times. He’s Australian, but that’s close enough to Not-American that it should be fine. Travis Fimmel as John Constantine is perfect.
Constantine 2 TRAILER
Yes, this is the trailer for the first Constantine, I admit. But it gets the tone right and I cannot overstate how important tone is to a Constantine sequel.
And this is Schism by T00L. It captures the mood just right.
The POSTER for the sequel to Constantine
Pick any image you want, they all work for a great poster to the Constantine sequel.
Constantine 2 PHOTOS
More just images to whet the appetite, the look of the character as we’ve noted is secondary to the “fuck off” vibe he must possess.
The sequel to Constantine WILL BE WRITTEN BY
Me. I wish. I’m sure any of the above directors would be excellent at penning most of it. However, let Neil Gaiman write Constantine 2. Gaiman is comic book royalty and had a hand in the early creation of Constantine. While technically it was Alan Moore that created Hellblazer, Gaiman was central to his lasting impact. He knows the core of the character better than most and has experience writing in every medium known to man, including TV and film. He would be ideal to balance the need for the movie audience while respecting the original work.
Constantine 2 feels like a February release. The first Constantine was released in February of 2005 and Constantine 2 being released in February of 2017 would fit. It would allow it to not get crowded out by Star Wars Episode Whatever and would unofficially kick of the comic book season. A February 2017 release date for Constantine 2 would also relieve some pressure from the film, lowering expectations and signaling to the audience that they shouldn’t expect an over the top $300 million blockbuster.
The first Constantine film did $230 million, worldwide, on a budget of roughly $100m. The sequel to Constantine should be able to easily pull in north of $250m. If tied correctly to the DC Movie Universe, $300m+ isn’t out of the question for Constantine 2.
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I found this article very interesting…please read!
Hello I love the movie Constantine and was hoping they was going tonnage another one. I thought it was a good movie. I did not get to watch the TV show, but I did get to watch the movie hope they make a Constantine 2 and soon
I still don’t GET the imperative of deliberately converting an established, popular character to another race, another nationality, or another gender, simply to appease “neglected markets” who are…let’s just say it…ENVIOUS and RESENTFUL of the race, nationality and gender of the original character. Face it, Marvel Comics is currently discontinuing its “inclusive” experiments in “diversity” because Black Lives Matter and a female Iron Man just don’t sell. Feminists are now claiming that the brand new and extremely successful Wonder Woman franchise isn’t fat enough or black enough…as if those factors would make the franchise more successful, right? Which, of course, they won’t, because we’ve reached the saturation point of diversification (read “mutilation”) of pop-culture.
Without Keanu, no Constantine. You won’t make a quarter of what the first one did without him. Forget blond or British crap. Plus Keanu is half British. Keanu doesn’t only look in his 40s he can look in his 20s. The man is a gift of god with a special blend.
In general this is a garbage article.
In France and Algeria we hope all a come back of Keanu Reeves in Constantine. Go go go USA we want Constantine 2 pleaseeeee
Good post. I certainly love this website. Stick with it!
Keanu Reeves is perfect as Constantine. Don’t care for Blond or British. He should remain. Don’t change.
No problem … cost as much to go see pink hulk as a blonde hair British Constantine.
If that’s what you want to pay see.
> Reeves must be in constantine 2! Otherwise with different actor it wont feet! and is gonna sucks ass!!!!!!!!
Why would anyone want to pay to see a sequel? Or GOD forbid more three part prequel! So sick of those!!! They’re just to suck in the money. Let the prequels die already! There’s talk about doing that with the Matrix…. No thanks!
Far as sequels, good sequels yes… as long it’s with the same cast and director.
Use other actors… NO!!! won’t pay to go watch what I can wait for to come, to view on Network TV, as in FREE!
Executive producers, directors only see and think about the Franchise not the content of a good movie. To many examples to list. But I thought the TV version of Constantine SUCKED! I mean just to start off with dirty blonde Constantine with a British accent??? Really??? You have to think who’s brain fart was that??? They took the movie Legions to TV that was terrible!!!
Arch angel look like a mannequin. Nothing like the movie worst TV show I’ve seen!!!
So no matter what’s written here is for NOT! Used by consulting firm to get an idea of how many people show interest to make or do somthing. So even these firms along with the studios, producers. directors still have no idea, never on real touch with the people of how to handle things! It’s about the money period!
Not to mention directors egos of saying, thinking they know what people want. When it’s going to be what they want!
Going to theaters now days not about seeing a great movie… they’re money traps for the prices of the movies and concession.
If they dont pay high dollar for original cast and director for any sequel.
Well, the character in the comics IS a blond guy from England…
Yep but not talking about the comic in England. Talking about screen version and characters that were shown on screen. I mean what next a pink Hulk cause maybe there was a pink Hulk in a comic? Not that there’s anything wrong with pink.
Now you have me wanting to see a pink Hulk.
Leave mr revees in it wont make alot even If u rebooted
Leave mr revees If u get someone els u wont make alot even If u rebooted cause they keep rebooting spiderman it wrong
> if you’ve EVER read the comic…the kid in the 2 “amazing spiderman” movies is literally 100% perfect both for the role, and in the role…i like Keanu, but I’d say Craig, or the guy from the TV show