Last fall, London Mayor Sadiq Khan – as apparent by the name, a devout Catholic – declared that terror attacks were simply “part and parcel of living in a big city.”
Of course, Khan never explained why cities double and triple the size of London like Chongqing, Guangzhou, Tokyo, Shanghai and Nanjing haven’t experienced any mass casualty terrorist attacks since 9/11. Surely, there has to be some enigmatic reason why these fiercely heterogenous, defiantly xenophobic reverse melting-pots have somehow managed to avoid the Islamofascist menace – the very least, naturally, being the fact said cities are practically devoid of inhabitants who practice Islam.
Furthermore, Khan never explained why his constituents should be perfectly OK with the idea that – at any given moment – they could get blown to smithereens or riddled with bullets by a religious nutcase because there’s nothing they can do about it, anyway.
While it seems a little – iffy – that the head honcho of one of Europe’s largest cities would just come out and tell the electorate he can’t keep them safe from terrorists, that kind of thinkin’ ain’t really outside the norm. Indeed, pretty much the entire continent – Sweden, France, Germany, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Poland – has bought into the same line of reasoning. Yes, really, really shoddy vetting of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa may be dangerous, but the cultural vibrancy said migrants bring to the table is so totally worth the prospects of being exploded. I mean, watching your mother get splattered by a transfer truck or watching your child get machine gunned to death at a bistro or watching your wife get gang raped at knife point to ring in the new year is unfortunate, but it’s still better than being called – gasp – intolerant or prejudiced.
Yes, such is the curious mindset of contemporary Europe, where people take to Twitter not to denounce the latest instance of Allah fan club members murdering 8-year-olds, but to get people who think their safety and the safety of their families is more important than promoting cultural diversity arrested. When Islamic death squads waltz into a French magazine office and blow away the entire editorial department, Europe’s great collective fear isn’t that said Islamic death squads will strike again and again and again, but the possibility that maybe, such may inspire people to say mean and hurtful things about Muslim immigrants.
Never in history has there been a culture quite like the one we’re seeing in Europe. With the native birth rate declining across the board, it seems like the indigenous folks of the continent are actually thrilled at their own social displacement. They cheer their dwindling share of the population and can’t wait for all those festive newcomers to repopulate the environs and reconfigure Europe in their own graven image. Not only is this a peoples who would rather die than come off as “intolerant,” they go as far as to actually excuse their own executions at the hands of their new foreign-born neighbors as a consequence of their own prejudices.
The ferocious ethnic pride displayed by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours is a thing of the past and the fervent racial supremacist ideology of Hegel is deader than … well, Hegel. The nationalistic poise of Charles De Gaulle has been supplanted by the globalist subservience of Theresa May, while the rancorous racial identitarianism of Hitler has been replaced by Angela Merkel’s multiculturalism uber alles tao.
Simply put, Europe has absolutely committed itself to embracing (if not legally mandating) diversity, even if it literally kills them.
Europe’s leaders have literally opened the floodgates to unfettered third world migration, with the very intent of socially re-engineering the cultural fabric (which, per U.N. terminology, may or may not constitute an act of legitimate ethnic cleansing.) They want the predominantly Muslim third worlders to become the hegemonic majority, while their own lily-white bloodline gets thinner and thinner.
The problem, of course, is that widescale population displacement is NEVER peaceful. Go ahead, just ask the Native Americans.
It’s amazing just how far the media has gone to change the narrative on what happened in Manchester. After 22 people died and more than 100 were wounded by a suicide bomber’s blast, the proud progressivist foot soldiers valiantly marched to trudge up anything that made Muslim migrants look just a smidge sunnier in the eyes of the public – including letting the masses know that big-hearted Muslim cab drivers were giving people free rides home, even though said kindhearted taxi drivers were actually Sikhs.
In a noble attempt to keep the “but diversity is GOOD FOR YOU” message alive, CNN heroically reported on a London imam who drove eight hours to visit a vigil in Manchester. Of course, they also conveniently had to gloss over the fact the suicide bomber had connections to a Libyan terrorist network and recently visited Syria – you know, home to a certain death metal number called ISIS.
When even wimp rock superhero Morrissey is telling England to grow a pair and put their foot down on the Islamofascist threat, you know something has to give, and give soon.
Yes, we all know that nativist Europeans are capable of some truly, truly heinous shit – just Google “Anders Breivik.” But the fact of the matter is that – no matter how progressivists on both sides of the pond try to play it – radical Islam is a gigantic threat to Western civilization. Since 911, hundreds of individuals have been killed and thousands seriously injured in continental attacks carried out by hardcore, hardline Muslim extremists. Surely, it’s just coincidence that such attacks have been on an uptick since the E.U. decided to roll out the welcome mat for refugees from the Arab world, right? How sweet of these Islamic attackers to repay Europe’s gracious cultural tolerance and economic generosity by running over 11-year-old girls in U Haul vans in Sweden, stabbing the elderly to death in London parks and blowing up more than two dozen rail commuters in Belgium. And certainly, the same kinds of people who stormed a Russian school and massacred more than 300 children to appease their god will totally rethink butchering innocents if Europe keeps reminding them they ABHOR Islamophobia in all its forms.
That whole “yeah, well, most Muslims are peaceful” shtick is beside the point (and horrible logic, too, since, the majority of any arbitrarily designated religious group is bound to have more non-murderous practitioners than ones that set orphanages on fire.) The grave geopolitical reality is that every day, ISIS is gaining more territory and recruiting more foot soldiers, and the bulk of Muslim refugees entering Europe are being pulled from the very same breeding ground for people who literally post throat slicing tutorials on YouTube.
There’s at least 100,000 ISIS troops in the war-torn remnants of Syria and Iraq, and those numbers keep getting larger. As the ultimate agents of anarchy, ISIS seeks to eventually mass genocide the Iranians and take over Turkey, thus giving them an easy springboard into Europe for a battle against their prophesied “army of Rome.” They also literally think Jesus Christ will return from heaven, turn heel, and join them on the battlefield, which is something I am so not making up it hurts.
The moment Iran and/or Turkey becomes destabilized – and both are likely to happen much sooner than later – the ranks and military influence of ISIS is going to exponentially increase. And unless there is some major counter-resistance put up in the meantime, the Islamofascist threat will inevitably find itself knocking at Europe’s front door again – only this time, not as infiltrators, but honest-to-goodness conquerors.
You know, maybe Mayor Khan is right in the long haul. Perhaps Europeans should get accustomed to being slaughtered by Islamic radicals every time they go to a soccer game or concert or ride a train. Maybe they should just accept their fate and embrace that – some day – a cabal of mad men who engage in such light hearted tomfoolery as this and this are destined to one day be their overlords. European governments, unquestionably, should be more concerned about finding people who make “camel jockey” jokes on Twitter and charging them with international hate crimes than they are the sea of people who hate everything the Western world stands for pouring into every nook, cranny and crevice of society.
I mean, there’s really only one word for people who are worried about deeply homophobic, deeply misogynistic, deeply ethnocentric, deeply anti-Semitic, and deeply tribalistic people coming into their homelands and murdering innocent children to force their way into political power.
And that word, of course, is racist.