After Man on Fire rocked my world, I was excited for Domino and why not? A hot chick, ass kicking, swearing, with Tony Scott doing his thing = awesome! I liked the movie too, not just the pictures of a pretty woman. (Those too.) I was pleasantly surprised when a source in H-Town texted me to say they’re in pre-production for Domino 2! YAY!
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Watch Domino movie 2?

Will There Be Domino 2
Didn’t you read the opening to this blog? Here, look at this as punishment:
Domino movie 2 RUMORS
These types of movies all have a very standard script. Even the first movie was more or less straightforward. Which I will say is a rarity for Richard Kelly but sometimes a blind squirrel finds a nut. Anyways I expect there to be some more about Domino. She was a real human being by the way. She was the daughter of some rich people and she became a bounty hunter just because. She’s not nearly as attractive though so they probably did a good job by casting who they did. I hope she just gets around and beat people up in kick some ass. Maybe she can take down some of the Hollywood perverts like Harvey Weinstein.
Possible Domino movie 2 Names
- Dominos
- Uno
- Cable’s Lover
- Deadpool 3
Who’s directing Domino movie 2?
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Not Tony Scott, which is a shame because his style made the first go around work.
Domino movie 2 Writers
Richard Kelly. I think it’s weird that he wrote the first film, to be honest. Though, upon reflection, I sorta understand because he’s fascinated by Hollywood and stuff like that. He’s not exactly busy these days, is he?
Domino movie 2 Pictures

Domino movie 2 Trailer
Domino movie 2 Release Date
Who knows. This thing is in such early development that no one knows what’s going on. Honestly, I don’t even expect it to make it to the theaters but if it does: June 2, 2021. That’s a random date I’ve pulled from thin air to make work on my behalf.
The Domino movie 2 Cast
Kiera Knightley
Mickey Rourke
A bunch of scrubs
Domino movie 2 Box Office
So, the first film was a huge flop but that has never stopped Hollywood Land before, has it? Figure it grosses $75m because Kiera is a much bigger star these days.
Final Thoughts on Domino movie 2
Like the Way We Previewed Domino movie 2? Read On: