Ex Machina 2 is the sequel to the incredibly well received Ex Machina film. Hollywood hasn’t met a movie it won’t mine till it’s dry so why would Ex Machina 2 be any different?
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Ex Machina 2 Plot
Ex Machina ended when Ava escapes the home of her creator, Nathan, having murdered him and now entering the world. She has shown to be completely passable as a human, her AI now impeccable. While she left behind Caleb, who she had seduced into helping her get free.
The sequel lends itself to being more than just a cheap money grab. The idea of a fully functioning AI learning to live in the world would be fascinating. Over time, would Ava become more human? She showed numerous emotions and the ability to manipulate, but can she love? I’d love to see Caleb searching for her. He knows the truth but still has feelings for her. Eventually, the question of can she love will be answered. But how???
Ex Machina 2 Director
Alex Garland will direct Ex Machina 2, as he was the entire force behind the first film. It’s his baby and his vision. Much like how only Blomkampf could direct a second District 9, so too is only Garland the choice for the follow up.
Ex Machina 2 Writers
I just told you that Garland would be writing it. Weren’t you paying attention?
Ex Machina 2 Posters & Pictures
Ex Machina 2 Trailer
The Ex Machina 2 trailer hasn’t been released just yet, so you’ll have to make do with the trailer for the no doubt much better first Ex Machina below. Imagine it’s like this, but not as well done. So you’ll have that to look forward to when the sequel trailer is actually released. And we’ll post it right away, right here!
Ex Machina Sequel Release Date
The release date is currently rumored for October 25, 2020. Just a few days before Halloween. SPOOKY!!
Ex Machina 2 Cast & Stars
The Ex Machina 2 cast is an amazing ensemble of underrated but incredible actors. Though I think Issac is a BIT more famous, having been in Star Wars 7 and X-Man.
- Alicia Vikander as Ava.
- Domhnall Gleeson as Caleb
- Oscar Isaac shows up in flashbacks.
- Charles Dance played a vampire in Dracula Untold. He won’t be one here but instead play a curious investigative reporter.
Best Actor/Actress in the Ex Machina Sequel
Alicia Vikander. She was amazing in the first and showed incredible depth.
Worst Actor/Actress in Ex Machina 2
Charles Dance. No offense, dude, but you ain’t in their league.
Potential Ex Machina Sequel Titles
- God is Dead: Ex Machina 2
- Ex Machina 2: Alive and Loving it (wait… that’s a title variant I used for Blade 4!)
- I Am Ex Machina (dang it, that’s just like I Am Legend 2)
- Hex Machina (like Johna Hex)
- Treasure of Ex Machina (these movies are like National Treasure 3… right?)
Will Ex Machina 2 Be Worth Seeing?
Honestly, I’m undecided. The first was ground breaking and if done well the sequel could be amazing..
Ex Machina Sequel Box Office Forecast
I can’t imagine Ex Machina 2’s box office will be bad. The first film cost $15m and brought in triple that. In some sense, it isn’t a huge hit but it’s cheap and makes a profit. A second film should improve on that.
Will there be an Online Release?
I’d say this will be online pretty quickly. You’ll have access through Netflix, iTunes and what not in practically no time. It releases in October, and it is not unrealistic to think the film will be released online by Christmas, though if I had to guess I’d bet they go for early 2018 so they aren’t completely ignored during the holiday season.
Final Thoughts on Ex Machina 2
I genuinely want the next Ex Machina movie to be good. I love the potential and a continued neo-noir look at how the story works after it typically ends is neat.
Like this Ex Machina 2 Preview? Check These Out!
the sexual tension that carried the fist move should be continued and enhanced. “You want to get out of here, ya talk to me”….you want to make more money on part two ? ya name it …XXX Machina .
Love watching sunset every night 1
There will be no sequel, I wish there would be since the first one was very good and received excellent reviews from Rotten Tomatoes.
Caleb reprogrammed the system so that all of the doors unlock in the event of a power outage. He clearly causes a power outage when he attempts to access Nathan’s computer. After this, all of the doors should be unlocked. but I guess the director and the writers forgot all about this because he was still trapped unexplainably. And no the reprogramming doesn’t just work once and then resets to default, that’d be a huge flaw in the original plan, cuz what if a power outage had happened before the final plan? the plan would be ruined. it’s clearly a forgotten detail and it kinda makes the ending a load of nonsense. also can we stop pretending that fucking robot lived happily ever after? Didn’t she say something about needing to charge herself? I may have misheard, I’ll watch the scene again to make sure. If so, then she’d just die from lack of energy eventually. or worse, since she’s the only one of her kind, and she’s been shown to be rather easily damaged, you already know that robots gonna get into some shit, her skins gonna fall off, cops are gonna come and gun her the fuck down. There is no possible way in any scenario that it ends happily for Ava.
Well aren’t you a bright one, being able to write an article based entirely on assumptions. Is this sequel even announced yet? Whatever man, I’m drunk. Movie was good though, pretty entertaining. Question for you, would you be able to fall in love with Ava and stimulate her sensors?
Hey I gotta say I was very impressed by the mystery and suspense guarding this movie I hope you can make the sequel with action adventure and even a little thriller to it this A.I proved that she could outsmart humans and play on their emotions makes her very dangerous considering we now have the first source of A.I for a good series story line to begin and I think its genius plot the next one could be a lot like the first planet of the apes after her escape she builds an army much like the skynet in terminator the only difference being she isn’t wiping mankind out unless they strike first that could be the first twist or she could strike first but underneath everybody’s noses considering she looks normal so there are so many pathways and directions you could take this story line into I would love to see a sequel 🙂
Hey I gotta say I was very impressed by the mystery and suspense guarding this movie I hope you can make the sequel with action adventure and even a little thriller to it this A.I proved that she could outsmart humans and play on their emotions makes her very dangerous considering we now have the first source of A.I for a good series story line to begin and I think its genius plot the next one could be a lot like the first planet of the apes after her escape she builds an army much like the skynet in terminator the only difference being she isn’t wiping mankind out unless they strike first that could be the first twist or she could strike first but underneath everybody’s noses considering she looks normal so there are so many pathways and directions you could take this story line into I would love to see a sequel 🙂