Just … FUCK. Some asshole throws a Moltov Cocktail inside a train car at Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. My favorite city on earth. A place where I made some of my greatest, longest lasting memories. A people that were as polite and nice as any I’ve ever encountered.
I don’t know who threw it or why. I don’t know if it’s ideologically driven terrorism or some random lone-wolf psycho. The people of Hong Kong don’t deserve this. I know no one deserves to be the victim of something senseless like this but Kongers … the nicest of the nice.
Hong Kong is one of the – if not THE – most important and amazing cities on the planet. It is a wonderland of awe inspiring architecture that sits at the feet of a massive country that has nothing but evil intentions for Hong Kong’s future. Yet, the people are strong and steadfast. They uphold the traditions we all hold so dear: freedom, rule of law, justice. Without hesitation, everywhere I went, I was welcomed and loved. I was a stranger in a strange land, to steal a phrase, yet I never wanted to leave. All at once, I was both home and away.
And to do it on the train? The MTR? The pride of Hong Kong? The world’s cleanest, safest, best subway system? That’s an act directed right at the people of Hong Kong. If the Twin Towers represented America’s might, both economically and industrial-wise, then the MTR is that to Hong Kong.
And some mother fucker wants to set these people on fire? FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU.
I love Paris and basically everywhere I visit (I’m a loving person). I don’t want to ever see bad things happen there either. And there is shit in Iraq and Turkey and everywhere. And someone will take up that cause and shed those tears. Hong Kong is mine.
I hope they catch the piece of shit who did this and hang him from his balls under the shadow of the Bank of China building. And then I hope his name is stricken from the records of history forever.