What if Jumanji was an interactive life and death murder mystery gone wrong? Think Clue, but everyone thought they were playing a game only to discover part way through it was anything but? That’s the premise behind Game Night and if our source at a certain theater production company is to be believed, they’re already gearing up for a second round of Game Night fun!
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Watch Game Night 2?

Will There Be a Game Night 2?
If you think Hollywood spends a lot of time talking about Grown Ups 3 and Hancock 2 then surely you understand why there WILL be a Hurricane Heist 2. This will allow Hollywood to create a franchise based around fast cars, smooth talking dudes and babes, and crazy weather special effects. That sound you just heard was Roland Emmerich ruining another pair of pants.
Game Night 2 RUMORS
Jason Bateman is America’s dad next door. He’s what all dudes wanna be when they grow up and all women want to marry: a nice guy who does right by his family and is good-looking but devoted. He’s the everyman for a new generation.
Rachel McAdams is a smoking hot piece of ass who is his female equivalent: she’s quirky, funny, and despite being a 10, somehow feels relatable. In a million years, you’d never have a chance but she comes across humble enough that you think, “She WOULD love me for who I am, looking passed the extra 75 lbs I’ve put on since college.” I think it’s because she’s Canadian.
Obviously details are scarce but we’ve managed to pick up a few leads from various sources of ours, so let’s get to them:
No, there’s no truth that Nic Cage of National Treasure 3fame is going to be a cast member, so stop wishing for it, ok?
One STRONG rumor we heard is that the studio wants to find some way to tie this to Jumanji and The Rock. This makes sense because 1. Everyone loves The Rock; 2. They want to build their own extended universe for board games! Seriously. Marvel did it, DC has sorta done it, so why not these blokes? Maybe even bring in Taylor what’s his name so you can pretend Battleship is connected too!
Look, I think Hollywood is overdoing these tie-ins too but I get what they’re going for, I really do. It’s a way to make it more fun for everyone!
(Hey, maybe they can even add in a Saw reference or two!)
As for the rumored plot… it doesn’t really matter (what you think!) because all they need is the cast and then magic will happen but – and this is a SUPER light rumor that I wouldn’t put much faith in – one topic was that McAdams and Bateman would become game-masters, more or less, and run their own game on … their own children! It’ll be lighter fare, in that sense, but still hilarious. I hope.
Possible Game Night 2 Names:
- Date Rape Night: A Porn Parody
- Game NighTWO
- You Wanna Play a Game Night?
- Game Night Strikes Back
- The Game Night We Need Not Deserve
- Head of the Game Night
- Saturday Game Night Fever
- Game Day
- Game Nightmare on Elm Street
- Saturday Nights are for Gaming
- Game Night of the Living Dead
- It Happened One Game Night
- Game Night at the Museum
- The Dark Game Night
- About Last Game Night
- Children of the Game Night
- The Hunger Game Night
- The Imitation Game Night
- A Game Night’s Tale
- Wargames … Night
- Game Night 2
Who’s directing Game Night 2?
The first go around took two men to direct: John Francis Daley, Jonathan M. Goldstein. I expect one of them to return but not both. I’m hopeful they’ll grab the guys behind the I Am Legend Sequel or the chick being considered for the Vampire Academy sequel. They have a good grasp of timing and humor and the latter is good at appealing to kids.
Game Night 2 Writers
Mark Perez, a guy I’ve never heard of but who wrote a bunch of silly kids movies before graduating to Game Night, will chip in. David Goyer, hopeful scribe behind a Dracula Untold Sequel would add some different perspective. Then, grab some of Adam Sandler’s writing buddies and voila!, instant movie magic.
Game Night 2 Pictures
Game Night 2 Trailer
Game Night 2 Release Date
April 1, 2020. It’ll be a quick turn around but these things only take a few months to make. There’s no real post-production and a cast of professional actors and lady actors can get through things in no time flat. Heck, I bet Bateman can do his scenes in a weekend.
Game Night 2 Cast
What more could you ask for? Besides The Rock. We always, always want Rock involved. Or Luke Evans. He’s dreamy. Dreamy AF.
Should you see Game Night 2?
Yup! But first chug a little Dredd 2 purple drank – it’s better for you than a tide pod.
Game Night 2 Box Office Predictions
More pressing than what it makes is will it beat Zombieland 2? I’m gonna go with a gross over $150m domestic and $25m international. (Non-American markets are tricky when it comes to comedies.)
Final Thoughts on Game Night 2
Jeremy Renner would be an awesome addition. He’s like a serious (and less successful) Bateman. He could be the hardass next door neighbor who just moved in! Heck, they could scrap the kids plot and focus on pranking him instead!
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