The Gringo 2 Poll:

Upcoming Denzel Washington Movies:
- The Equalizer 3
- Man on Fire 2
- The Book of Eli 2
- Training Day 2
While I personally take offense to the word, as it is a slight against my white skin, I understand that many people enjoyed the movie: GRINGO! Hey, who wouldn’t love the fantasy of a pill form of weed? Well… that actually already exists, as my trips to Denver have taught me. It’s still awesome as all hell and should be embraced. Anyways. There’s gonna be a sequel to the movie, so says our main source: a man who actually hasn’t let us down yet. He’s why we knew there’d be a Grown Ups 3, after all. Why would he be wrong about Gringo 2?
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Will There Be a Gringo 2
The signs say YES. The movie plays well with Hollywood because it is cheap and evergreen. They could shoot it next week and release it in a decade and it would be just as relevant.
Gringo 2 RUMORS
They’re going to have to figure out another product to smuggle and use as a mcguffin, that’s the main obstacle to any sequel. You can’t do a pill form of heroin, what with oxy already existing and sorta being in the news these days, what with all the deaths. Oopsie! So, anyways, the guy I talk to was tight lipped, so obviously not a ton of details, but one idea was human trafficking. They’d call it humanitarian aid or whatever, with the new obstacle being the giant wall they have to address. They’ll have giant ladders and a series of tunnels, the whole nine yards. All of this is, of course, irrelevant as we just need an excuse to see one of the most beautiful women on earth take a break from Atomic Blonde 2 and take on this role instead. I love her face and body so much.
Possible Gringo 2 Names
- Whitey
- Gringo-go Power Rangers
- Mexico’s Racist Past, Exposed by a Gringo
Who’s directing Gringo 2?
Nash Edgerton directed the first go around. This whole thing feels like it exists as a favor from his brother, Joel. Whatever. Nepotism makes the world go around.
Gringo 2 Writers
Anthony Tambakis and Matthew Stone did up the first film, with Stone providing the BRILLIANT idea of a pill form of weed. He’ll return to duty once again.
Gringo 2 Pictures
Gringo 2 Trailer
Gringo 2 Release Date
March 18, 2021 so that they can hit that St. Patrick’s Day crowd.
Gringo 2 Cast
- David Oyelowo as Harold Soyinka
- Joel Edgerton as Richard Rusk
- Charlize Theron as Elaine Markinson
- Amanda Seyfried as Sunny
- Thandie Newton as Bonnie Soyinka
- Sharlto Copley as Mitch Rusk
- Michael Jackson’s kid. Who saw that coming?
- And Mel Gibson too!
- I also want to see Denzel pop up, because his last Mexico movie was AWESOME!
Gringo 2 Box Office
What if I told you it was 12 dollars? Would that change your life at all? Fine: it’s $55m and then some!
Final Thoughts on Gringo 2
It’s fun popcorn shit, that’s all. They dress it up like there’s some deeper social meaning or whatever but we know that’s a lie: this is about guns, accents, and tits. Glorious, glorious TITS!