He’s back. The red and yellow. The boa and bandana. The 24-inch pythons… By god all the vitamins and prayers worked! The Hulkster… Hulk Hogan is back in the WWE… and he’s getting a shot to be the next WWE Universal Champion.
Terry “Hulk Hogan” Bollea is back on good terms with WWE. Many may not have even noticed, but yes, Hulk Hogan was put on double secret probation from the WWE Hall of Fame, and from the WWE as a whole. So he basically missed out on some easy Wrestlemania pay three times, which I’m sure hurts, but after winning 30 million in a settlement, don’t feel too sorry for him financially.
However, you may want to feel sorry for him physically because the planned match for Hogan’s return is against… Brock Lesnar. The storylines have been quite misleading in WWE and no one would have ever expected this match, but that’s exactly the direction they knew they were always going, and for who Brock Lesnar was holding out.

There was no multi-man match canceled. There was no Bobby Lashley victory at Extreme Rules. There was no number one contender’s match. None of that happened. It was all just one big distraction and backup plan until this match was capable of being booked. In the end, it was always going to be Hogan vs. Lesnar. It was all part of the plan.
Besides, he wants that win back from putting Lesnar over in 2002 on Smackdown. He’s that petty. Or as he probably thinks, it’s best for business. Hogan signed on knowing the WWE had only one play, Lesnar. It’s the money match, or at least, that’s what Hogan believes.
Hogan spoke about the possibility of the match, “Oh ya brother. I can still go. The Hulkster is feeling great… When WWE called me I said ‘it’s really simple, I come back and I go over Lesnar at Summerslam. I hold the title until after Lesnar beats Cormier, then I challenge Lesnar in the tiebreaker at Wrestlemania, and win all the belts.’ And Vince McMahon said, ‘Of course Monster, since 1983 through Hulkamania, the WCW sabotage, and the racist remarks, this is and always has been the plan.’”

Lesnar also responded, “I told you. I’m done with Reigns. He’s not the guy that gets to beat me on the way out. I’m saving that spot for my childhood hero, Hulk Hogan. I’ve always been respectful of his career and of the business and how it operates and I’ve never received special treatment in any way, just like Hogan.” He added, “In case anyone can’t tell I’m being sarcastic. Hulk and I deserve special treatment, because we’re better than you, especially at wrestling.”
Lesnar added, “This is the money match. Will Hogan get his win back as Mr. Lesnar says goodbye to his time in fake fighting? I guess you’ll have to wait and see… And you’ve waited long enough. No, I will not be losing, ever.”