I Am Legend 2 Poll: Are you Interested in the Sequel?

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I Am Legend 2 is a proposed sequel to the 2007 hit Will Smith film about a scientist in NYC who is the last known survivor of a sorta semi-vampire apocalypse (it’s also sorta zombies and some other creature type more or less created for the film). There have been several reported plots thrown about for the I Am Legend sequel, which we’ll outline below. Regardless, will I Am Legend 2 see the light of day?
I Am Legend 2 Plot
Okay, so there are a bunch of potential plotlines for a new I Am Legend, from a reboot with a new actor replacing Will Smith, who technically was Charlton Heston’s The Omega Man replacement (The Omega Man was also based on the novel I Am Legend, though it’s the most amazing film ever and has Charton Heston shooting albino zombie/vampire hippies and he nails a gorgeous black woman who is naked for no reason other than to give me jungle fever).
Potential I Am Legend 2 Plot #1:
This is a straight up I Am Legend Sequel, and would have Will Smith return, only as a clone of his character Robert Neville. Not sure what he’d be doing as a clone, or if the sequel would plant him in NYC again, but for some reason he’d be a clone and fighting zombies again. Anything to get big Willie style back in the action! Hey, when you have a winning formula, like Grown Ups 3 or National Treasure 3, you STICK WITH THAT HOME SLICE!
Potential I Am Legend 2 Plot #2:
This one is a prequel that would show the outbreak of the vampire disease. Supposedly it’d be set in Washington DC and probably include different characters, as Smith was in NYC before the outbreak and after. This one is notable for having a vampire ELEPHANT. HOLY NUTS. Maybe the outbreak could start with vampirism mutating in a Daywalker (like from Blade 4) that can suddenly infect people without them being bitten. That would be totes baller.
Potential I Am Legend Sequel Plot #3:
This one also deals with the cloned Robert Neville of the first I Am Legend 2 plot, only this time you realize the first film’s Neville was THE CLONE THE WHOLE TIME. OH BABY THE ORIGINAL IS STILL OUT THERE? OH SNAP.
Fun mildly racist sidenote: I saw I,Robot in theaters and when the friendly robot is shown to have a heart, a black guy sitting near me actually said, “OH BABY HE HAD A HEART THE WHOLE TIME.” Then he said something about Pinocchio but I was struggling so hard to not laugh that I missed his exact phrasing. More entertaining than I,Robot.
Will the Dog Die Again in I Am Legend 2?
CAUSE I DON’T WANNA SEE THE DOG DIE AGAIN! It was even sadder than seeing Baymax almost die in Big Hero 6!!
I Am Legend 2 Writers
Well, Akiva Goldsman wrote the original and made some I Am Legend nerds hard when he mentioned sequelpotential a couple years back, so he’d likely be on board for the sequel. But he’s also stated pretty emphatically since then that the sequel isn’t moving forward…
I Am Legend 2 Pictures
I Am Legend Sequel Trailer
Well, since it isn’t in production yet, here’s the alternate ending for the first that is a BAJILLION times better than the theatrical cut:
I Am Legend 2 Release Date
The I Am Legend 2 release date may be October 12th, 2018. I’m not even gonna check to see if that’s a Friday. It’s totally a day though. Note I didn’t pick a Friday the 13th. I must be growing…
I Am Legend 2 Cast
I think it’s likely Will Smith returns for I Am Legend 2 if it gets made. His career has sorta flatlined in recent years, so he could use the sequel to get his box office numbers back up. Like you need penis pills to make your penis erect.
Potential I Am Legend Sequel Titles
- II Am Legend
- I Am Legendary
- I Am Legend WAIT FOR IT DARY! (note: only if Neil Patrick Harris costars)
- I Am Relatively Well-Known
- The Omega Woman (starring Jennifer Lawrence)
- I Am A Lycan (wait… that’s for the next Underworld flick)
- I Am Legends (to confuse the French)
- I Am Legumes (for an animated version starring vegetables)
- I Am Larry (for Larry from Parks and Recreation)
- I Am Legend: Legends Never Die
- I Am Legends of the Fall
- I Am Legs (starring Tina Turner)
- I Am Eggend (egg vampires)
- I Am Pregnant (the greatest horror of ALL)
- I Am Anonymous (vampire hackers)
- I Am Tom Brady (assholes instead of vampires)
- I Am Going to Vampire Academy 2 (wait…)
- I M Legend (no a’s allowed)
- I Am Hancock 2 (wait, that one is different)
- I, Legend (literally the same plot as I,Robot, but with vampires)
Will I M Legend 2 Be Worth Seeing?
Yes. Yes it will be. No A’s allowed.
Will an I Am Legend Sequel make much money?
I think the I Am Legend 2 box office will be pretty solid, but not as good as Jumper 2‘s box office (LOLz). If they keep costs down but don’t go found footage (that would blow) the film would do pretty decent numbers. Obviously, much of the allure of the original was Will Smith being alone with his dog (OH THE DOG, AND I’D FINALLY STOPPED CRYING) in NYC, so you’d have to find something similar to attract audiences.
Final Thoughts on the I Am Legend Sequel
They should really just make I Am Legs starring Tina Turner. I don’t mind popping a movie theater chubby as long as it’s an old lady with the stems of a 15 year old track star.
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Hi friends
I m waiting for I m legend 2 movie
I m legend movie is a good and super
Horror movie
I like the movie
Hi. Really good job and the real legent is will smith.. I am expecting and waiting for ” I am legent2 “
Belive it or not will smith is going to be in district 9s sequel and the district 9s new sequel title is …. District X you know number 10 in roman numerial but they will show the trailer and the title in alien language god knows why but I got a little tip off up in hwood but between u an me its on hold. Concentrating on chappie Ii apparently now chappie was good you felt sorry for the guy and made-up for him all at the same time but district 9 was just amazing and I can guarantee a follow up before 2019 august
Will Smith is A Legend…I am ready to Watch the Sequel right now…I love will Smith and his mind blowing Movies.
I cannot watch another I am Legend wih the dog dying. Please, that was so wrong the first time. After I watched it the first time I really thought it so hard to watch is a second time to see the dog die again. I love the movie so much. Will Smith does such a fantastic job. Do not make another I am Legend without Will Smith as the star, that will be so wrong. I will not watch it if he is not staring.