K Flay was nor born with that name, instead she was born Kristine Meredith Flaherty. She’s from IL. Hey, so am I! She’s from a suburb of Chicago. Hey, so am I! She’s a female musician who has a rap influence to her work. Hey, I can’t sing at all!
No clue where or when I heard her but I really like her music. And given that she’s almost the same age as me and grew up with a similar background is cool. She went to Standford; I can’t even spell it. None of that matters, does it? What say you, Wiki.
Flay is an outspoken advocate for higher education and encourages students to complete their degree, citing the “supportive community” that school provides.
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Oh man alive, that’s wrong.
She released an album entitled “Life as a Dog” and several EPs, the most recent entitled “Crush Me.” I don’t know the difference between an album and an EP. Let’s go to song time now, k?
K Flay’s BLOOD IN THE CUT music video