Do You Want to Watch Man on Fire 2?

Upcoming Denzel Washington Movies:
- Book of Eli 2
- The Equalizer 3
- Gringo 2
- Training Day 2
Man on Fire was one of the best movies I ever saw. I knew it was an instant classic the moment I walked out of the theater. And everything from great directing doing amazing soundtrack to Denzel Washington being the biggest badass I have ever seen. I know a lot of people like training day but for my money man on fire is the best thing he’s ever done. I can’t wait for a sequel.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Will There Be a Man on Fire 2
This has been the question I have wondered about for years. It’s only been recently now that I have developed contacts in Hollywood that I’ve been able to get an answer. My sources have indicated that yes indeed there will be a second man on fire.
The second man on fire will actually be a prequel. Obviously they can’t really do a sequel to the first one because of everybody dying but they can go back in time and see what made Denzel into the killing machine that he became. We will see him do stuff in Afghanistan and Iraq that will give everything in the first film more context. We will discover that he had previously lost a child that he had sworn to protect and that is why he was so connected to the girl in the first movie.
Possible Man on Fire 2 Names
Who’s directing Man on Fire 2?
i’m not really sure yet. My source didn’t have a good answer for me. Tony Scott would’ve been great but sometimes things just won’t happen for obvious reasons. Possibly Ridley Scott could come on board although I would like to see Washington directed himself. He has shown to be have a great eye for direct.
Man on Fire 2 Writers
my source says things are being workshopped right now. The script is being poured over by three different writers all in connection with each other. So the final writing credits haven’t been solidified but they will be soon. I can’t wait.
Man on Fire 2 Pictures
Man on Fire 2 Trailer
Man on Fire 2 Release Date
One source of it they were looking at a January 2021 release date. That would be fine with me just as long as it comes out sooner rather than later.
Man on Fire 2 Cast
Obviously you have Denzel Washington and you have other people from the first film maybe, for sure Christopher Walken. But you’re gonna have to bring in a whole new supporting cast for the most part. I personally would like to see Luke Evans get a crack at it. He’s a great actor.
Man on Fire 2 Box Office
The expectations are not that high because these are small budget films that thrive because of their profitability. But I think that this could easily make $100 million when it is all said and done.
Final Thoughts on Man on Fire 2
I really want this to come out. Sure we are getting more in the equalizer series but I think this character was even better. Plus that great soundtrack and cool color palette that was used really make me happy and that makes me smile. Don’t you want to smile when watching Denzel Washington murder people? I know I do.
Hi!!! If anotger creasy’s movie is possible with Denzel on it, I don’t think it would be a prequel because of Denzel’s age, I mean, he wouldn’t be the main star of the film, right? Nevertheless, they could make a sequel happen, finding a way to let creasy’s death aside and move on, or taking the action from the ending of the 1987’s Man on Fire, where John Creasy doesn’t die…after all, Man on Fire was just the first book from a 5-book saga in A.J.Quinnell’s bibliography, so they have enough source material to build a franchise, with Denzel in another four movies, and then, a prequel or a new lead actor for the sequels to come once Denzel leaves the saga…