We noted before that Matt Brown wasn’t liked by the Brazilian fans. He flipped off the fans at the weigh ins and as he walked to the cage three different people tried to attack him. #hero (Then Maia forced himself upon Brown in a violent and uncomfortable manner.)
After all this, the next day, Brown was attacked on the street. This wasn’t a fan though, it was his old grappling coach. They’d been in a pissing contest before, with the two have gotten in a mini fight a while back, here in the States. Well, turns out this dude was in Brazil and waited around to find Brown. Then he jumped him. Immediately, a bunch of people pull the guy off and … fuck it, just watch the video of it all!
Thank goodness for cell phones: nothing will ever be private again.
Three fans, a former coach, and one of the greatest fighters in the world – all in 24 hours. Matt Brown does more manly things than you do.