Chris_najdek IG
Washington D.C.-
After President Donald Trump boldly suggested we try to inject disinfectants such as bleach or Lysol into our body to kill viruses, his way out of his league wife Melania has decided to take his advice.
Melania has suffered with decades of shame and disgust for having had unprotected intercourse with Donald Trump. Her solution? She’s decided to bleach her vagina. Melania has contacted Clorox corporation and Summer’s Eve to team up on a marketing campaign encouraging women who are ashamed of the men they’ve let ejaculate inside of them, to start douching with bleach to wash away the pain.
“I want to get rid of his scent. My coochie smells like spray tan and double quarter pounders with cheese. Is gross! I will bleach my nook nook until it smells like freedom.”
Good luck Melania, we’re pulling for you.