Look, I don’t make these things. If I did, I’d make one video that would be twelve hours long and no one would ever watch it. Instead, to hype UFC 189, the UFC releases all these UFC 189 videos one at a time. There’s probably even some sort of embedded yet to come.
This first one is literally just Joe Rogan going into Joe Rogan mode talking about Lawler and MacDonald. And you know he’s shilling because no mention of the love of dead bodies by Rory.
And this is just a recap of the UFC 189 work open work-outs. I mean, it’s a time killer which is 90% of the reason I go to YouTube. So, a positive.
OOOOOOH! This UFC 189 Video is entitled MONEY TALKS because it is Chad Mendes talking and his nickname is “Money.” Which is a terrible nickname in and of itself.
Aaaaaaaaaaand finally, Conor McGregor letting everyone know he’s “never scared.” It would be more newsworthy if it was, “McGregor admits he’s shitting himself at not knowing how to stop a takedown.”
And if you go to the UFC’s YouTube page they have a UFC 189 Video which is a recreation of how the main-event will play out using the UFC’s video game. I see ESPN do this a lot with football games. And have probably seen the UFC do it before as well. I will not ever link to this. Because it is just about the dumbest thing ever. Damn nerds.