Eh. Just random UFC on Fox Chicago videos that were lying around the internet. Some of these work much better if you speak not-English. If whatever was said was racist or offensive, blame the UFC and my parents for making me take French.
Like I really care, deep down if its offensive.
Hey, it’s all part of the promise to you: a promise to help you waste time during the day, no matter what you’re doing. If you’re in school, I realize that the above where I note I don’t speak not-English prevented me from translating this for you, and so you might think that this is a reason for YOU to do well in school. It isn’t. This is AMERICA!
And if you’re an American you only need to speak American. Not even English: no, AMERICAN! No random extra “u” thrown into words for no reason. No town names like Leicester. Know how you pronounce that one? LESTER! Yeah, piss off, England. Take your Queen and leave the speaking part to us.
Anyways. Videos. Fighting. Love each other.