For whatever reason, I always confuse this bad boy with National Treasure. Maybe it’s because they’re both good old fashioned honest and healthy and good adventure movies. The sort of flicks you can take the whole family to and that’s more important than ever these days!
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Night at the Museum 4?

Will There Be Night at the Museum 4
Of course! Ben Stiller needs the work and the world needs the movie to return!
Night at the Museum 4 RUMORS
Heard from a source who made me swear on the life of my unborn child that this might see the introduction of A LOT more female cast members so that Hollywood can #metoo this bad boy. I mean, bad girl. You know what I’m trying to get at. Anyways. They’ll get into crazy adventures and all that. Some good jokes will be had. Ben Stiller will play charming, even though he isn’t, and maybe DeNiro shows up to lecture everyone about how tolerance is over rated. Hollywood is weird, what can I say?
I’m curious if they might address the rampant stealing of antiquities from indigenous peoples by the evil British and their subsequent refusal to return what was stolen to its rightful owners. That could be the kind of talking point that gets the mainstream media talking. Hey, I’ve seen and heard of crazier things. It would certainly get DeNiro involved, wouldn’t it? He’d be all over that kind of social justice. He used to be cool, man. COOL! Now? He hasn’t had a good movie in decades. Too bad too. Maybe we can get someone hot to show up instead. Everyone likes hot women, right?
Possible Night at the Museum 4 Names
- Day at the Museum
- Oh What a Night at the Museum
- A Mid Summer’s Night at the Museum
- The Dark Knight at the Museum
Who’s directing Night at the Museum 4?
Christopher Columbus. This dude not only found America but he also directs movies that are fun to watch. Isn’t fun all any of us want?!
Night at the Museum 4 Writers
Howard Zinn because that’s ironically funny.
Night at the Museum 4 Pictures
Night at the Museum 4 Trailer
Night at the Museum 4 Release Date
June of 2021 on big screens everywhere. This is one of the rare movies that would never go straight to home video as it is guaranteed to be a blockbuster!
Night at the Museum 4 Cast
Ben Stiller
The ghost of Robin Williams
Night at the Museum 4 Box Office
EASILY this film surpasses $400m in total box office.
Final Thoughts on Night at the Museum 4
You want it, I want it, they want it, everyone wants it. It’s like ice cream of sex or sex with ice cream: the whole world dreams of it so why not give it to them already?!
Like the Way We Previewed Night at the Museum 4? Read On: