Meet Josh Lynch. He’s an artist. He will soon be your favorite artist. Artists are a funny lot, as they’re charged with the challenging task of both expressing themselves while making some sort of impact on the world (this is in contrast to internet website writer types, who just write stream of consciousness and then throw it up without even doing a spell check).
At its best, art connects two souls: artist and art-watcher-person. At worst, it’s the upcoming Fantastic Four movie.
Mr. Lynch has achieved the best. Maybe the best of the best. As this artist. This genius. This man ahead of his time. Has reimagined Marvel characters as dogs. And then he drew them. I might stare at these things for days and days. As an added bonus, a great number of them are pugs and as The Master of two puggles, I can appreciate the cuteness of My Boys’ cousins – ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE THE PUNISHER!

I’m always on the lookout for nice images and such for the site – I almost thought this would be the world’s most perfect go-to but then I realized Mr. Lynch, god amongst mortals, probably wants to make money off of these things and so I’d be crossing the “fair use” line and going to just flat out theft. It would be theft with good intentions but theft nonetheless. (Like Robin Hood, but … more noble.)

The entire collection is available to be perused here: DOGS OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE.
And then I learnt that this Art God Who Shames Whichever Greek God Was In Charge of Art also has a bunch of other comic related art which is clever (and some of it is flat out just good old fashioned cool art) at his website page thing.
Nothing from Superman or Batman, yet, but I imagine one day their time will come because every dog has his day.
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