Steven Spielberg directing a movie that plays on the nostalgiait’s almost unfair it when it comes to screwing with our hearts. And yet he still did ready player one and it made everybody whip nostalgia. But that’s OK because that’s what we keep them around for that and desecrating the great memory that is Indiana Jones. New damn son of a bitch. But now he’s back doing this again and so let’s delve into some of the rumors for ready player one part two.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Watch Ready Player One 2?

Will There Be a Ready Player One Sequel
Yes. Of course coming up with an excuse to want again look at dickies gone by fondly is always the challenge. An early rumor of an early early early draft has it that after our hero wins in the first movie he will go on in rule peacefully however there will always still be those that want to take it down in a new thread of jealous players will emerge.
Ready Player One 2 RUMORS
But he will be too oblivious to it and will need to be rescued by a new and interesting female character. Because they want to make sure that the address in appeal to the female gamer demographic which is very important these days. Or at least that’s what I hear all the time on television and why would people lie about that. So they’ll have the chick doing the chick thing and saving the oblivious boy who doesn’t know any better and we will all go on with our lives and go yay great power but that’s OK because everybody needs to have a hero these days and they got the fat little Asian chicken the new Star Wars so why not I have little freckled face black girl seeing the day in ready player one the sequel.
Possible Ready Player One Sequel Names
- Ready Player 12
- Armada
- Stop Playing with Yourself
- Now it’s HER time to play (with herself)
- Ready, Set, Go … Player 1
- Ready Player Two
Who’s directing Ready Player One 2
Spielberg because he long ago stopped giving a shit about challenging himself artistically and just wants an easy paycheck and an excuse to be cool.
Ready Player One 2 Writers
There is that guy that wrote the first book that was the movie was based on some sure they can probably get him to come back in flesh out some of the rumors that I’ve been going around this big town that we call Hollywood. Don’t you want to get down with all the cool people in Hollywood right movies that play on your greatest childhood memories? I know I do because I love movies. Doesn’t everybody love movies?
Ready Player One 2 Pictures
Ready Player One 2 Trailer
Ready Player One 2 Release Date
July 1, 2021 because your brain associates the 4th with happiness.
Ready Player One 2 Cast
Mostly your long dead hopes and dreams.
Should you see Ready Player One 2?
It makes as much sense as anything else and it Spielberg so we know that he has no problem whatsoever doing kind of a hat follow up to any of his movie properties. Let’s wait until that son of a bitch crisscrosses Indiana Jones with Jurassic Park. You know they’re thinking about it on some level.
Ready Player One Sequel Box Office Predictions
It will gross $600m because the past is all we want from now.
Final Thoughts on Ready Player One 2
And you know you will go see it. We are all suckers for the past. Probably because nobody likes the present.
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