I want to walk up a flight of stairs, a steep one. One of those made of tile. The tile like at a public pool; little perfect squares with the white grout shit in between that keeps them together. They’re slick when wet. And I want there to be 50 steps I climb, one by one, deliberately. And as I drag myself up, a line forms behind me. It’s people I know. Family. Friends. Coworkers. Etc… And they’re following and climbing as I do.
And I get to the top, turn around look at the first person, and kick them down the fucking stairs. Not just any kick, but raising my leg up so I stomp down on them with my heel, really pointing the thing, jabbing it into their chest, and seeing them all tumble over one another. And if someone doesn’t get the memo, I kick them down too.
My heart.
Maybe everywhere.
Washington DC