Of all the movies to get a sequel but not a third, that featured lots of famous people, Smokin’ Aces is one of them. Look, they’re not all winners, are they? But I got a text message from an agent source of mine and now we have to run with it. Life comes at you pretty fast.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to watch Smokin’ Aces 3?

Will There Be a Smokin’ Aces 3?
Apparently. Again, I know this is nuts but every so often the world is nuts. (See: Obama, Barack) It’s not the worst movie, ya know? Probably better that we get a third movie from Smokin’ Aces than another weird remake, like the Pretty Woman remake.
Smokin’ Aces 3 RUMORS
Messner, the Ryan Reynolds character, escapes custody of the FBI and goes on the run. He begins a plan to get revenge on everyone who wronged him in the first movie. He’ll also get revenge against the FBI itself! He’ll feel let down by The System, what with them protecting murderers and such, and so he’ll actually go out of his way to undermine many of their new schemes. BUT! Along the way, he’ll also kill the bad guys. Thus, the franchise turns into an old-school Lone Angry White Man movie. Hollywood doesn’t have enough of those yet.
Possible Smokin’ Aces 3 Names
- Smokin’ Aces 3
- Nicotine Patch Aces
- Vapin Aces
- Second Hand Smokin’ Aces (that would’ve been better for the second movie, I admit)
- Smokin’ Queens
- Smokin’ Dead Man’s Hand
Who’s directing Smokin’ Aces 3?
Joe Carnahan. This is what he does: makes moderately successful but not very inventive action movies that are “fun.” He did this, A-Team, and a bunch of episodes of The Blacklist, so, uh, yeah, he’ll direct Smokin’ Aces 3.
Smokin’ Aces 3 Writers
Joe Carnahan wrote the first and second films so why wouldn’t he write the third? Why won’t you people ever think a little bit more, huh? START THINKING, PEOPLE WHO NEED TO THINK!
Smokin’ Aces 3 Pictures
Smokin’ Aces 3 Trailer
Smokin’ Aces 3 Release Date
March 2021 is the best we know. And it’ll be on Netflix, where all weird passion projects go to die the death that follows realizing you’re a fraud in life. Harsh but true.
Smokin’ Aces 3 Cast
- Ben Affleck as Jack Dupree: A lose in Vegas.
- Chris Pine as Darwin Tremor: Yup, he’ll return as a redneck loser.
- Jeremy Piven as Buddy “Aces” Israel – also, as a date rapist.
- Andy Garcia as Stanley Locke, the only honest man in town
- Ryan Reynolds as Richard Messner, the man with a plan to make this thing into a solid returnable box office result
Smokin’ Aces 3 Box Office
Thirteen frat boys in West Virginia will lose their shit over this coming to Netflix and will each subscribe as a result. That’s hundreds – maybe THOUSANDS – of dollars over the course of a lifetime.
Final Thoughts on Smokin’ Aces 3
I couldn’t give a shit about this movie. Normally, I’ll watch anything but something about Smokin’ Aces turns me off. It’s like being a gold digger and finding out he’s broke.
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