News is coming out that Benicio del Toro – who is suave – has been offered a role as the “lead villain” in Star Wars Episode 8. This is despite Episode VII having not yet been released. Disney must be pretty confident that Star Wars Episode VII will do well because it sure would be embarrassing to plan for a sequel and then have to pull it because no one saw Episode VII…
Star Wars Episode 8 will be directed by Rian Johnson and will star … who knows. Probably Luke Skywalker and Apocalypse. Johnson directed the fantastic sci-fi time travel movie, Looper. And something called Brick, which sounds familiar in that I’ve heard people talk about it positively but I couldn’t tell you a thing about it.
del Toro has been around and done great things. You should know this. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Awesome. Way of the Gun? Underrated as hell. The Usual Suspects. Snatch. Guardians of the Galaxy. And so on.
What this means is nothing because it could be an agent manipulating things – Johnson’s, del Toro’s – maybe be some studio executive who wants del Toro but Johnson doesn’t so this is how he makes it happen because people will start imagining what del Toro would do in Star Wars. He could be a super evil Jedi!! Plus, he’s got that accent and quiet demeanor. Maybe like Darth Vader – but sexier. Star Wars needs more sexiness in it, to be frank.
Benicio del Toro: Darth Sex.
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