This is one of the most important movies of my life (I hope). See, for many, many years, I had an irrational hatred of Emily Blunt. Looking back, I have no clue why I held her in such disrepute but I did. Then, I saw Little Miss Sunshine and warmed to her. A bit. But only a bit. However, it was Adjustment Bureau that flipped me upside down on her and I’ve been madly and desperately in love with her ever since.
Emily, are you looking for a man in his mid-30s? Call me!
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to Watch The Adjustment Bureau 2?

Will There Be The Adjustment Bureau 2
There better be otherwise I sent that agent who is a source a grapefruit for no reason. But, yes, according to said source, there will be a sequel to The Adjustment Bureau
The Adjustment Bureau 2 RUMORS
Imagine that you knew there was someone pulling your strings, how would you react? We saw our heroes rebel in the first movie but what’s next? Would you be OK living that way? More than that, how would you react when something bad happened? Who would you blame? The sequel to The Adjustment Bureau will see Damon and Blunt return and deal with the loss of their son. He’ll die in a seemingly tragic accident but they’ll know better, won’t they? They’ll seek out Black God Dude and demand justice. And it’ll turn out that a rogue angel creature is actually breaking the rules and killing people out of turn. They’ll race against the clock to rescue their son’s soul before it is condemned, as The Devil has learned that a perished soul that died off path is his.
I hope they kill Damon while they’re at it but I’m not holding out hope.
Possible The Adjustment Bureau 2 Names
- Subtly Adjusting Your Bureau in Public
- The Adjustment Dresser
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Adjustment Bureau
- Adjusting to Life in the Bureau
- Federal Bureau of Adjustments
- The Adjustment Team
- The God Squad
Who’s directing The Adjustment Bureau 2?
George Nolfi, the dude who directed the first film did a great job, if you ask me (and you did). It flowed well and balanced drama and humor. He was rewarded with directing a Bruce Lee biopic so … uh … yay for him? Still weird that this was his first film. Oh well. He’ll be back to take the wheel of the Adjustment Bureau sequel.
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Writers
Phil Dick is the name rumored in Hollywood Land. I heard that he has a decent reputation for sci fi ideas. Or Joss Whedon but probably that Dick character.
Hehe. Dick.
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Pictures
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Trailer
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Release Date
September 11, 2021 will be the release date. I guess there’s a possibility this might involve buildings and terrorism or something. I think it’s a risky date but since when does Hollywood do stupid things?
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Cast
I hope they recast Matt Damon. He’s a smug little shit who needs to keep his hands off my woman! As long as Emily Blunt is back it’s all good. Though I think Black Captain America will pop up too.
The Adjustment Bureau 2 Box Office
$200m from my wallet to hers. That’s a stab in the dark, I admit. My source wouldn’t give me their internal demo information for this one. Because he sucks ass.
Final Thoughts on The Adjustment Bureau 2
Emily Blunt adjusted my heart to the ways of love.
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