Everyone makes mistakes. Some of us make little ones: maybe a typo involving the word “aunt.” Some of us make big ones: Insert outdated topical reference to Fake News. Professional fighters are no different. However, occasionally fighters go beyond making mistakes and crossover into the wonderful world of being simply Dirty. Thus we give to you all The Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA.
MMA has always had a delicate balance of sport and fight. The martial arts aspect embraces traditional concepts like honor, balance, respect for you opponent and so on. The “I’m locked in a cage and want to win” aspects is much more akin to war: there is no honor only winning. What follows probably leans more towards the former in some cases with the occasional, “This is against the law” in others.
Now, of course, an action here and there does not define a person for life; some of them are probably really nice guys at family barbeques. But, this ain’t grilling up some beef, this is fighting.
And, yes, there are probably instances of guys on smaller shows where they ended up robbing the referee at gun point, or holding a bunch of nuns hostage. I’m trying to stick to things that are at least somewhat mainstream.
I’ve also purposely focused on in-ring/cage antics. A lot of guys have criminal records and it would be kind of boring to just list Joe Son at #1 and leave it at that.
Top Ten Dirtiest Fighters of All Time
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters #10: Yoshihiro “Sexyama” Akiyama
Dirty can be complicated. One man’s trash, another’s treasure – things like that. Here, context is important. Sexyama is a cheater. I don’t completely begrudge attempts at cheating because “…you ain’t trying” otherwise.
Still, it’s one thing to deflate some footballs, or maybe try to take an otherwise even contest and tip it in your favor. Sexyama cheated so he could beat up a crippled legend.
I love Kazushi Sakuraba but by the time he fought Akiyama he should’ve been retired several times over. He couldn’t walk – almost literally as his legs were taped from roughly mid-thigh to big toe. His reflexes were gone. He was shot.
Beating Sakuraba wouldn’t have been a tough challenge to start with and so Akiyama decided to grease up his body, making any attempts at gripping and grabbing (important in MMA, you see) all the more difficult. Not just a little: he was seen applying six bottles of oil to his skin. A teenage boy’s week’s worth, if you will.
And it wasn’t an isolated incident as Sexyama had been accused of doing this exact same thing in big Judo tournaments (three times in one tournament, in fact). I suspect he plays one-on-one basketball and calls charges against five-year-olds.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters of All Time #9: Cheick Kongo
Look someone even recreated it for us with a video game! (nerds)
He hits people in the balls. A lot. I don’t even know what to say beyond that. That’s his gimmick. That’s what makes him unique.
When he fought Travis Browne, he cost himself a win because he cheated so much. He kneed Browne in the nuts and then refused to let go of Browne’s shorts. This resulted in a point deduction and the fight became a draw.
When fighting Paul Buentello, he was warned for illegal elbows. He answered this warning by kneeing Buentello in the head while Buenntello was on the ground. He lost a point for that. He then did it again and only didn’t receive another point deduction because Ref Herb Dean felt Buentello was baiting Kongo into the foul. Uh, sure. Let’s give Kongo the benefit of the doubt.
Mostapha Al Turk. This one wasn’t even pretend. Al Turk hit Kongo in the balls. Probably an accident but if anyone in the universe was owed a cock-shot, it’s Kongo. In response, Kongo shakes it off, walks over to Al Turk, and without question knees him right in the penis. He then brutally beat down the man with ground and pound. No word on how Al Turk’s balls are doing.
And then there was Mirko CroCop. Not once, not twice, not thrice, but four separate times Kongo kneed the Croatian star in the balls. And in case there was any doubt:
“The last knee in the balls wasn’t an accident because he was complaining about different knees in his balls but they were inside his legs. And that upset me.”
I try to leave my own biases out of these things (which is a weird thing to say, I know). One of these men is scum; the other seems like a nice guy. But they’ve both more than earned their spot on the Dirtiest Players in the Game list I’ve made up based on my own non-existent criteria.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters of All Time #8: Gerard Gordeau
Fighting during an era where there were essentially no rules and still developing a reputation as being dirty takes talent. Gordeau had talent.
Gordeau already had a reputation from his street fighting days when he entered the first UFC tournament. After shocking (read: scaring the crap out of everyone) people when he kicked Teila Tuli’s tooth literally out of the cage with a head kick, Gordeau made it to the finals against Royce Gracie. And then he bit Gracie.
There were like three rules for the first UFC and he managed to break one. And he didn’t even deny it happened. I guess he gets credit for owning up to it.
But it was in 1995 when Gordeau went well past what could ever be considered appropriate when it comes to fighting dirty. Invited to be part of the Japan Vale Tudo tournament (the tournament was featured as part of the Rickson Gracie CHOKE documentary) early on he fought the smallest man on the show, Yuki Nakai.
Gordeau gouged out Nakai’s eye. I repeat: he stuck his fingers into one of Nakai’s eyes with such intent and ferocity that Nakai became blind in said eye. This wasn’t some street fight where your life was at stake, it was an organized event inside a ring with famous fighters.
Two things followed this deplorable act. 1) Nakai won the match! (And several more that night because why let something like only being able to see out of one eye stop a guy from fighting) 2) Gordeau never fought again.
As a coda: Nakai had such honor that he went years before telling anyone what happened. He feared that if word got out it would hurt the image of the sport in Japan. I repeat: he fought a known dirty fighter, one who BLINDED HIM, beat this man while blinded, and then never told anyone.
I brag if I hold open the door for a little old lady at the grocery store.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters of All Time #7: Renzo Gracie
I like Renzo a lot. Of all the Gracies, he was the one most willing to truly fight anyone. When Sakuraba beat him all he said was, “He beat me. He was better.” There are so many instances in his career of him not being dirty that it hurts me to list him, but as a man of great integrity I must.
He’s least offensive move came when his protégé Ricardo Almeida beat Nate Marquardt by choke to become the King of Pancrase. Nate thought Almeida held the choke on too long and so he threw a punch at Almeida. Hardly classy on Nate’s part but in the split-second after being choked to the point of tapping – it happens.
Renzo saw this and proceeded to run into the ring and kick at Nate’s head. Again, not the biggest offense ever, because it was a coach protecting his pupil, and I guess we should all want our coach to be there for us but: seriously, he tried to gang up on a guy who was just beat.
His “middle ground of offensive” came in PRIDE when he fought Shungo Oyama. For whatever reason, mid-fight, Renzo became frustrated by Oyama and spat on him. He just stood there in the middle of the ring, looked right at the Judoka, and spit. Again, not nearly as bad as many offenses but: you spit on a human being. There’s something so primitively base about that that it’s offensive.
Still, if that were all, Renzo wouldn’t make this list. It isn’t all (obviously). His most disgraceful action – and honestly, one of the more classless things from the earlier days of MMA (the “Gordeau days” – to put that in perspective) – was against former Olympic Bronze Medalist in Judo, Ben Spijkers.
In less than three minutes, Renzo tapped the Judoka with a choke. Not just tapped him, but caused Spijkers to dramatically tap with both hands and his legs. Renzo didn’t let go. He choked the Dutchman unconscious.
Then, Renzo unceremoniously kicked the limp body off and as he walked away in victory stepped on Spijkers’ head. I like you, Renzo, I really do but sheesh. To his credit, Renzo at least apologized.
Spijkers never fought again.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #6: Paul Daley
Daley has a special place in my heart for being that rare breed of fighter who is publicly a bully but too stupid to actually know it. A striker and … that’s it. He’s just a striker. He can’t wrestle and his ground game is below average, at best. Now, normally, if someone wants to engage in a sport where they only punch and kick they do kickboxing.
Daley on some level must have known he couldn’t really make it as a kickboxer so instead he went into MMA. Then he would complain about how no one wanted to stand and strike with him; that too many guys were trying to wrestle him to victory. He was publicly complaining that guys were basically competing in MMA instead of kickboxing. Enter Josh Koscheck.
If there was ever someone who could just decide, “Nah, screw striking, I wanna wrestle” it’s Koscheck. Multiple time All-American wrestler, yada yada. And that’s exactly what he did to Daley. For 15 minutes, he wrestled Daley down, controlled him, and ground away at the Brit’s face. It was a complete domination. This was a smart move on Koscheck’s part because … duh.
OK, these things happen. And given his long history of loudly complaining that opponents wouldn’t go out of their way to lessen their chances of winning it was obvious evidence that Daley had not only lost before but lost because he couldn’t wrestle. Should’ve been used to it by now.
After the bell sounded, the referee calmly stood both men up, separated them, and then … Daley punched Koscheck in the face. A blatant cheap shot, one designed to harm, and one with intent to knock out.
It wasn’t a, “Oops, I didn’t hear the final bell” punch. It was a deliberate and predetermined action from Daley. And that’s not me reading his mind, that’s me reading his own words:
“He’d say something, I’d say something. I think the final thing that was said, I said, ‘When this is done, when I get up, I’m gonna hit you.’ And I don’t think he believed me. I told him that. He’ll tell you that. I stick to my word.”
That Paul Daley: if he says he’s gonna sucker punch you, he’s gonna sucker punch you.
“The punch is a bit hard to comment on… but I would have thought I could have thrown a better punch and knock him out, given that Koscheck wasn’t expecting it!”
Dana White said immediately afterwards that he was banned for life from the UFC and all Daley could comment a year later was, “Darn, I can’t believe it didn’t knock him out.”
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #5: Renato “Babalu” Sobral
Babalu has been around for some time and not only gave Shogun Rua his first professional loss, he also once challenged Chuck Liddell for the UFC Light Heavyweight Title. It was almost one year later to the day of that championship fight that Babalu forever etched his name in the history books as being a nutjob bitch.
Prior to the fight, Babalu had gotten himself arrested, as fighters often do. The image of his mugshot made the rounds, as they often do, and a t-shirt of said mugshot was made, as often … ok, I don’t know if that happens often.
Babalu believed that Heath wore said t-shirt to the weigh-ins. Problem is: no one actually saw this happen. Still, Babalu saw it and that was enough for the Brazilian. During the fight, Babalu is easily beating the crap out of Heath, bloodying him up, before locking in a choke. Heath did what most do in that situation: he tapped out.
Steve Mazaggatti, who never saw a fight he didn’t think should continue past the point of danger, saw the tap and jumps in. He pulls on Babalu. Babalu refuses to release the submission. Finally, Babalu is quite literally pried off Heath and Heath’s bloody needlessly unconscious body slumps to the mat.
And it was no accident. Babalu’s post-fight interview with Joe Rogan – the one done on PPV in front of millons of viewers – included such gems as:
“I did what I did, because this guys a pretty young fighter; I’ve been in this game for ten years and he had no respect for me. He called me a “motherfucker.”
No, not “mother fucker” – of all the horrible things to say! Then, while viewing the replay:
“Yes. That’s what I did. He deserved that shit.”
Babalu was cut by the UFC and never again returned to the promotion.
We’re getting close to the Final Four and you’ve probably guessed at least one of them. Hell, if you haven’t, you’re a complete moron. No. Really. Seek help immediately at a local grade school.
I won’t lie, Matt Lindland was the impetus for this entire series. I just can’t stand the man. I doubt anyone really can.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #4: Matt Lindland
Matt Lindland’s offenses aren’t as physically terrible as many of the men on the list, but the man is just such a bitch (this is a technical term, by the way, don’t use it at home, kids). His first act of being a bitch was suing to become a member of the US Olympic Wrestling Team. Now, it’s true, Lindland went on to win a Silver Medal, but still: a grown man used the court system to become an Olympian. He claimed, and the courts agreed on some weird level, that his tryout opponent, Keith Sieracki, cheated to beat him and thusly Lindland deserved a rematch.
More pathetic: in that wrestling match Lindland bit Sieracki. Lindland did not deny this allegation. Yes, he bit someone and then had the temerity to accuse that guy of being the cheater.
His “I’m A Big Bitch” attitude carried over into MMA. Early in his UFC career, he fought rising star Ricardo Almeida. It was a decent fight, one that mostly saw Lindland use his wrestling to take down and neutralize the jiu-jitsu expert. The bitch move? Well, as folks know, you can’t kick a downed opponent in the UFC, even if that guy is on top of you. So, Lindland would purposely drop to one knee at roughly the last possible moment to almost bait Almeida into kicking him.
Now then, I don’t know if it was intentional, but it sure seemed that way. Especially since none of the kicks that landed seemed to do any harm but Lindland made sure to loudly complain to the referee. He’d win the fight by DQ.
But, it was Lindland challenging the legendary Murilo Bustamante for the UFC Middleweight Championship that forever secured his “Always Be a Bitch Whenever Possible” status.
Despite being a world-class wrestler, the first round sound Bustamante take Lindland down with ease and transition into a picture-perfect arm-bar. Lindland’s hand comes up, he taps, and Bustamante releases the hold – because he’s not a bitch.
Lindland of course is a bitch and immediately yells that he didn’t tap. Pandemonium occurs, Big John McCarthy looks like an idiot because he’d ordered the fight stopped and then immediately restarted – if it happened today it would be a Not Top 10 Moment on ESPN. The fight ultimately continued.
It all worked out in the end as during the 3rd round, Bustamante dropped Lindland with a beautiful punching combination, grounded and pounded the American (while Lindland flailed his legs around like a child in the midst of a tantrum) and eventually secured a guillotine choke. This time there was no doubt that Lindland tapped. Yup: Matt Lindland managed to lose twice in the same fight.
As a coda to Lindland’s MMA Bitch career, during a fight with Niko Vitale, Lindland clinched up with the Hawaiian and went for a throw. Again, keep in mind, Matt Lindland won (after a lawsuit) a Silver Medal in Greco-Roman Wrestling, a form of wrestling that basically does one thing: specializes in throws and takedowns from the clinch position. So, Lindland goes to throw Niko and … ends up dropping Vitale onto his own balding head. Yes, Matt Lindland knocked out himself with a throw.
Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #3: Rousimar Palhares
Admit it, as soon as you saw the thesis for this column you knew his name was going to appear. He’s almost a tragic figure in some respects. A lot of times fans jokingly refer to someone as “functionally retarded” or an “idiot-savant” but Palhares is as close to that as there might be in main-stream MMA.
Brazilian fighters generally don’t come from wealthy backgrounds, but even by their standards Palhares grew up poor: like, he was some child that grew up in the jungle with wild animals and never had a birthday cake until he was 30.
That’s what makes me feel kind of bad for the guy. A lot of fighters on this list are plain dicks. They’re thugs, they know what they’re doing and they almost revel in it. Palhares genuinely seems confused about what he’s done. Still…
His worst offense was likely the fight with Tomasz Drwal. He caught Drwal in a heel hook and began cranking it. And cranking it. The tap occurs. Cranking. The referee grabs Palhares to stop. Cranking. The referee grabs and pulls on the Brazilian with two-hands, like he’s pulling a weed out of the ground. Cranking. Finally, he releases the hold but not before Drwal’s leg was … actually, it wasn’t injured. A miracle if there ever was one.
Other notable offenses by Palhares:
2007. Palhares fought a man named Helio Dipp (pretty sure that’s not a made up name). He grabs a rear-naked choke and out-cold goes his opponent. Referee says let go, nothing happens. Referee grabs Palhares and, YUP!, has to pry him off a limp and lifeless opponent.
2007. Palhares fought Flavio Luiz Moura and basically the same scene occurred. Heel hook. Tap. Referee intervention. Continued heel hook. Another tap. Finally released. That was in Brazil though, so instead of being punished, Palhares just got the win.
2007 (what a year). This time, it isn’t MMA but rather ADCC grappling. Makes it to the finals before losing to the legendary Andre Galvao. Still, on his way there, manages to heel hook an opponent, hear the ref yell stop as they’ve rolled out of bounds, stand up, hug the guy, then restart and this time use a knee bar. Both submissions were excessive and damage was clearly done.
2013. Makes his welterweight debut against Mike Pierce and in 30 seconds grabs … yup, a heel hook, gets the tap, gets another tap, gets eight total taps before letting go. It was an impressive submission and the result? The UFC had seen enough – finally – and released the man-child
2014. WSOF debut, and for the promotions welterweight belt, taps out Steve Carl in the first round with a heel hook. Holds it on longer than a normal fighter would. Anyone else would get the benefit of the doubt but at this point: come on.
2014. Again. Jon Fitch. Heel hook. Crank. Tap. Crank. Tap. Tap. Tap. Finally a release. Fitch claims that even today he has a limp as a result of how Palhares acted.
And of course his most recent debacle, where he gouged Jake Shields in the eyes and – again – cranked a submission hold far too long.
If I thought any of this was deliberate, he’d be #1. But I just can’t shake the feeling that he really doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Sniff. You’ve all been with me on this magical journey of almost defamation but not quite. Thank you, thank you all!
By now, you’ve likely figured out these two – or at least one of them. Men whose actions go so far beyond wrong that they carry over into the genuine category of mental health issues. There are men in jail who have done less. Seriously.
The Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #2: Mike Kyle
Obviously, when a guy is this high on the list, he’s a dirty bitch of a fighter. I almost can’t be mad at him because if someone does something wrong and isn’t punished, why would I expect him to ever change?
Kyle has been around longer than most of the current fan base, with an MMA debut in 2001. His UFC debut was at UFC 47 when he defeated the previously noted Wes Sims. During the fight, Kyle BIT WES SIMS. Like, he actually bit the man, like a dog would. There were clear bite marks on Sims and everything.
When questioned about this by Joe Rogan, Kyle replied, “He’s a dirty bastard anyways with all the shit he’s done.”
Advice for everyone out there: if someone accuses you of biting someone the proper response is not, “Well, he’s a dirty bastard anyways.”
This was followed up two years later when he fought Krzysztof Soszynski in Strikeforce – a match which ended due to an eye poke from Kyle. (Which occurred after Kyle had already kneed the Polish-Canadian in the groin.)
It was what happened a few months later in 2006 that took Kyle from your average run of the mill dirty fighter into borderline criminal territory. Kyle challenged Brian Olsen for the WEC Heavyweight Title. Things were going Kyle’s way, as he manhandled Olsen with ease: he was out-striking him, out-grappling, out-being better.
Then, half-way through the first round, Kyle loses his mind. With Olsen not just on his knees, but sitting back on his heels, Kyle runs up and soccer kicks Olsen right in the head: instant KO. The referee immediately jumps in to pull Kyle away and as this is happening Kyle is still throwing punches at Olsen.
Athletic Commissions are bad but even they didn’t screw this one up and Kyle was suspended for a long time. Promotions, as they are want to do, happily forgive, and while the UFC never again came calling, Kyle would go on to have several fights for both Strikeforce and most recently WSOF.
The Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA #1: Gilbert Yvel
And then there was Gilbert. If you took every offense committed by every other man on this list, Yvel has likely committed it – and then some:
Biting? Yup. May, 1998, he was disqualified for biting Karimula Barkalaev
Eye gouging? Of course. In his highest profile match, Yvel fought Don Frye just days after the attacks of 9/11. It was a relatively patriotic affair for many of the American fighters, and if there was ever a man that personified the “Tough Cowboy American” it was and always will be Don Frye.
During the fight, Yvel repeatedly grabbed the ropes to avoid being taken down. Now, grabbing the ropes and the cage is somewhat natural and common in MMA, but Yvel made it an artform. He didn’t just grab the ropes, he essentially overhooked them like he was trying to takedown the ring itself. But, hey, these things happen.
What made Yvel particularly disgusting was the repeated raking, gouging, poking, whatever you want to call it of Frye’s eyes. Now, where normal men would respond by asking for the fight to be paused, Frye kept on fighting, with both his eyes visibly read and swollen. Heaven knows how the man could see.
Yvel kept on sticking his fingers in Frye’s eyes. Even as he was being taken down, it appeared as though Yvel was actually pushing his thumb directly into Frye’s eyeball. Yes, Yvel lost the fight by DQ.
Beating up a referee mid-fight? Sure, why not. And then in November of 2004, Yvel’s coup de grace. Against Atte Backman (no, no one knows who he is, don’t feel bad), the referee attempted to force the two restart in the clinch after they’d fallen out of the ring. Yvel wanted none of this (despite being a MUAY THAI FIGHTER).
Where most men might bicker, yell, maybe even walk away in protest, Yvel had a better idea: he punched the ref in the head and the soccer kicked the man.
To recap: bit a man, hit someone in the groin, eye gouged someone, sucker punched a referee, sucked soccer kicked a referee.
After all of this, the UFC bizarrely signed Yvel to fight years later – and he was licensed. He promptly lost three straight fights.
There you have it, ladies and germs, the Dirtiest Players in the Game.
The Top 10 Dirtiest Fighters in MMA – Dishonorable Mentions
- Joe Son, War Machine, Josh Grispi, Jeremy Jackson
A lot fighters have your standard DUIs, or maybe an assault and battery charge here or there. These guys stand out as the crème de la crème of scumbags and so they get an asterisk instead of a full-fledged number – that’ll show them:
Joe Son: Hilariously known for his one UFC fight where he lost after getting punched in the balls roughly 20 straight times before moving on to act in the Austin Powers movie franchise, there really isn’t a lot funny about Mr. Son anymore. Son originally went to jail after being convicted for participating in a gang-rape. While in prison, he then murdered his cell mate. He will be in jail for the rest of his life as his sentence is life without the possibility of parole.

War Machine: His list of offenses is long, public, and disturbing. He was born Jon Koppenhaver but legally changed his name to War Machine because:
“SO in case you didn’t notice in my last fight the UFC did NOT use my nickname when I fought. Turns out some gay ass wrestling federation threatened to sue them because they recently named one of their wrestlers The War Machine Rhino and trademarked the name. Too f*ckin’ bad that I have been using this name for 6 years, have it tatted on my body and it is what my fans yell out when I’m fighting. If you know my personality then you know damn well I am not gonna let some faggot ass, FAKE wrestler steal MY name. SO 6 weeks ago I filed a change of name request and today I had court to make my name officially WAR MACHINE. lol. F*ckin’ funny right? Didn’t really wanna have to do it but I am sure as hell not lose MY nickname.”
His true offenses are just a list of one screw up after another:
- 2007: Convicted of beating a man and choking him out cold
- 2008: Convicted of assault and battery
- 2010: Convicted of beating the crap out of numerous people during a bar fight.
This was captured on video. He then spent his time in prison keeping a blog of his experience and thoughts. Such gems include:
“Why is it okay for women to admit they have ‘rape fantasies’ but if a man were to it’s the end of the world, he’s disgusting, evil, etc.?”
“The oppression of MEN is worse than oppression of Jews in Nazi germany, worse than the slavery of Blacks in early America… I’m not exaggerating either.”
“This Mexican dude just got here and I guess he found out his wife was hooking behind his back. So he said he slapped the shit out of her and she fell and hit her head and died! Then he panicked and took her body somewhere and burnt it on fire! Anyway, this guy is like a straight immigrant, quiet little dude, super nice. I feel bad for him! I mean what husband wouldn’t slap their wife if he caught her being a hooker? Poor guy didn’t mean to kill her. I believe him!”
“The one thing stopping complete integration and ending racism is the MYTH that blacks have bigger dicks then other races! That’s it!”
“I’m reading, ‘The Kent Family Chronicles,’ there have been a few rape scenes and I won’t lie, shit got me horny as hell.”
- 2014: War Machine’s most notorious moment, the brutal assault and battery of porn star (and his on again, off again girlfriend) Christie Mack.
The photos were published everywhere and revealed a woman having been beaten honestly worse than many of War Machine’s opponents. He ended up breaking 18 of her bones, knocking out her teeth, breaking her nose, shattering a rib, and puncturing a lung.
Josh Grispi: This one is simply sad. Grispi was arrested after allegedly not just beating his wife, but ordering his bull-terrier to attack her. Grispi had trained the dog to do so. What makes this extra sad is that his wife has since come out and pleaded for Josh to be freed, saying he isn’t a bad guy and basically blaming herself for everything that happened. She did this on the Dr. Phil TV show.
Jeremy Jackson: Jackson first came to prominence in MMA due to having a feud with … Nick Diaz! It was, as one might guess, somewhat personal, so much so that Jackson’s ex-girlfriend ended up naming their child “Nick” out of spite towards Jackson. In his post-UFC career, Jackson pleaded guilty to aggravated rape at gun-point and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.
It is with the above men in mind that I place the remaining ten in context. Some of them have committed acts that are criminal, they simply took place inside the confines of the sport. Some of them have merely been pathetic or low class. None of them are in the category of the above.
* Joe Son, War Machine, Josh Grispi, Jeremy Jackson
10. Sexyama
9. Kongo
8. Gerard Gordeau
7. Renzo Gracie
6. Paul Daley.
5. Babalu
4. Matt Lindland
3. Paul Harris
2. Mike Kyle
1. Gilbert Yvel
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