@MichaelCoughlin & @HalfGuarded
This list is without fault. We sit in the Special Chair and become TECHNOLOGY POPE today, for this edition of TOP TEN TUESDAY, letting you all know what the Top Ten Greatest Inventions Ever and of all time are. This list is not wrong. It is perfect and right. Do not question it.
1. Light bulb
Almost left off due to inevitable Tesla backlash. Still, a pretty cool thing. Let’s me see at night. Scared away legions of monsters over the last century.
2. Fire

Like the light bulb only more dangerous and thus cool.
3. Space ship
Human beings WALKED IN THE FUCKING MOON!!!! Thanks, Spaceship.
4. Microchip
The computer is kind of big and evolved and stuff, so I’ll go with microchip which allowed a computer to be a practical reality of life and not something that hid that one nerd that one time at Harvard who got some ass because it filled an entire room.
5. Microwave
Without the microwave, there’s a good chance somewhere in the neighborhood of 40-70 million men between the ages of 18-27 would not have had a hot meal that wasn’t prepared by their mother.
6. Refrigerator

Kept food cold. Allowed us to focus our wars on oil and not salt.
7. Printing press

Set the stage for the eventual introduction of pornogrsphy to bushes everywhere that somehow always had random pages of boobs in them.
8. Online tutorial videos

You can probably learn how to build a bomb, fix a car, or get a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu. All without having to read so you’ve removed that annoying impediment.
9. Penicillin
I won’t say why specifically just … Thank you for existing.
10. Trombone